
Customer Statisitcs Fact Box

rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
edited 2013-10-24 in NAV Three Tier
Hi Everyone,

Wondering if there is a way to get the Sales YTD ($) to reset after we close a fiscal year? This number just keeps growing and isn't a true number of YTD.... or are we just closing the fiscal year incorrectly and it does this automatically?



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    rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    Can anyone provide guidance on this?
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    rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295

    Modify Page 9082 or 9094 for Vendors and add the code for the SETRANGE
    SETRANGE(“Date Filter”,CALCDATE(‘<-12M>’,CurrentDate),CurrentDate);

    This does the last 12months... if you want it for your fiscal year, you'll have to set it to a set date and change it each year or grab the date from your Financial tables.

    Good luck!
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