get a field to show up in Item Ledger Entry Table

demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
I have added a new field, lets call it A to the Tracking Specification Table (336), which shows up in the Item Tracking Lines Form 6510.

Anyways, when I assign a lot number to a sales line, I also manually write some information to my field A…

When I post this order, I also want whatever was written in A to show up in the Item Ledger Entry..

Can anyone help me? There are a lot of codeunits I’ve been looking through, and am getting more and more confused! I tried following how Lot No. gets from the Tracking Specification Table to the Item Ledger Entry table, but too many codeunits to follow!

I have added Field A to Table 336, Tracking Specification, and to Table 32, Item Ledger Entry... as well as their forms.. form 6510 and 38, respectively..


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    The Sales Post CU does not post directly to the item ledger entries, but fills
    an Item Journal Line and calls CU 22 to post this.

    Add the Field A to Table 83 Item Journal Line as well.
    In CU 80 Sales Post in Function "PostItemJnlLine" add one line :

    ItemJnlLine."Serial No." := TrackingSpecification."Serial No.";
    ItemJnlLine."Lot No." := TrackingSpecification."Lot No.";
    ItemJnlLine.A := A; // if it is the sales line "A" you want

    and in CU 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line look for the function "InitItemLedgEntry"

    ItemLedgEntry."Serial No." := "Serial No.";
    ItemLedgEntry."Lot No." := "Lot No.";
    ItemLedgEntry.A := A;
    Kai Kowalewski
  • demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
    I did everything with the only change shown below...

    ItemJnlLine."Serial No." := TrackingSpecification."Serial No.";
    ItemJnlLine."Lot No." := TrackingSpecification."Lot No.";
    ItemJnlLine.A := TrackingSpecification.A; // if it is the sales line "A" you want

    If I just write ItemJnlLine.A := A; in CU 80, it doesn't know what A is.
    but it still doesn't work...
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    Sorry, I thought you had the A field in the Sales Line as well.
    This will be somewhat more complicated !

    1. Is the A Field used when the Item is purchased or is it only an additional information for Sales Orders?
    i.e. does the "A" Purchase Information need to be copied to the sales item tracking lines ?
    ( these relations are stored in Table 6507 Item Entry Relation)

    2. Is there Warehouse item tracking being used ? ( Data in Tables 6509 Whse. Item Entry Relation and 6550 Whse. Item Tracking Line ?)
    Kai Kowalewski
  • demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
    A doesn't need to show up in the sales lines... the user does the following:

    he goes to purchases and payables and then Orders...
    On the first sales line he writes he goes to Line, Item Tracking Lines.
    Then he chooses Functions, Assign Lot No. This is also where my new column A shows up, and the user fills it in with whatever he/she wants.

    Then I go back to my order and post.. What I want to happen is when the post is over, I want column A to also show up in the Item Ledger Entries

    Does this help out at all?
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Does Any body get a solution for flowing the Tracking speacification customized field info to Item Ledger entry.

    I have done but seems that some thing is missing so that if I have 2 lots for the same Item then the last lot info get copied to first as well.


    Item let say I1

    Lot = L1 Qty =1 addition customized field say

    A = 'cc'
    B = 'bb'
    C = 'dd'

    Lot = L2 Qty =2 addition customized field say

    A = 'ee'
    B = 'ff'
    C = 'gg'

    Then both the ILE is having the Second info for L2 on customized field A,B,C

    Any Idea?
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • geronimogeronimo Member Posts: 90
    Does Any body get a solution for flowing the Tracking speacification customized field info to Item Ledger entry.

    I have done but seems that some thing is missing so that if I have 2 lots for the same Item then the last lot info get copied to first as well.


    Item let say I1

    Lot = L1 Qty =1 addition customized field say

    A = 'cc'
    B = 'bb'
    C = 'dd'

    Lot = L2 Qty =2 addition customized field say

    A = 'ee'
    B = 'ff'
    C = 'gg'

    Then both the ILE is having the Second info for L2 on customized field A,B,C

    Any Idea?
    if i remember correctly the lines for lot numbers and serial numbers get split to multiple lines in the item journal when posting(CU 22 - SetupSplitJnlLine Function)
    Probably the info is lost there.
    Would have to look it up to be sure however.
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26

    Already written the code over there.

    So that is not the case.

    Can ANyone help
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • dtruppidtruppi Member Posts: 9
    Item tracking is a real mess... it strongly depends on you version of NAV.

    In 5.0 you have to look into:

    336 Tracking Specification
    337 Reservation Entry (the real one!)
    338 Entry Summary

    6500 Item Tracking
    6510 Item Tracking Lines

    22 Item Jnl.-Post Line
    6500 Item Tracking Management
    6501 Item Tracking Data Collection
    99000830 Create Reserv. Entry

    About codeunits:
    in 22 look into:
    SetupSplitJnlLine(VAR ItemJnlLine2 : Record "Item Journal Line";VAR PostItemJnlLine : Boolean)

    and find any code like: 'Serial No', 'Tracking'.

    in 6500
    CopyItemLedgEntryTrkgToSalesLn(VAR ItemLedgEntryBuf : TEMPORARY Record "Item Ledger Entry";ToSalesLine : Record "Sales Line";...
    and similar CopyItemLedgEntryTrkg...

    in 6501 and tracking forms you have to insert code for show / get you custom fields.

    Good luck!!!
    Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2007

    Check out my NAV blog
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Hi I have refered to the article posted on the below link....Its really great..... ... ines-form/

    All works fine as per the below article.....the only thing that is creating a trouble is.....

    Lets say I am making PO......

    Item = I1 Qty =2

    Now on the Item Tracking if I am defining single lot (L1) with Qty =2 and putting some values on the customized field then it works fine..However If I take

    LOT QTY Customized field
    L1 1 ABC
    L2 1 XYZ

    Now once you exit out of Item Tracking form for the first time and if you again see the values back then XYZ is changing to ABC.....But if you again modify L2 info i:e to XYZ and then again go back N no. of time on the form the values are fine...

    I am using Nav 5.01 NA version.

    basically it is Overwriting tracking specification new fields info...The first line is copied to second only for customized field info and that too only for the first time.

    Any Idea
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    I got the resolution. To the link I posted before there is a small change. ... ines-form/

    Instead of

    CreateReservEntry.SetCustomFields("Your Reference");

    you need to write

    CreateReservEntry.SetCustomFields(NewTrackingSpecification."Your Reference");

    So the reference was missing.......

    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • SRishiSRishi Member Posts: 26
    Will you please share on this forum because this site is not opening please share with us because i also facing same problem..
    Thanks in Advance
    Rishi Chourey
  • SRishiSRishi Member Posts: 26
    Hi ,
    I want to more elaborate about this topic
    1. Added the same field also in table 6661 Return Receipt Lines.,table 7319 "Posted Whse. Receipt Lines" & Table 6507 Item Entry Relation
    2. And also coded in table 22 and 90.
    Regards ,
    Rishi Chourey
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