Super Slow Single Table...Weird Issue

SteveSteve Member Posts: 81
I'm helping out a friend with a weird issue.

There customer table is super slow. I wrote a simple findset repeat and update a single field on the customer table from a lookup using a codeunit just to test. as shown:

IF PayTerm.GET(Cust."Payment Terms Code") THEN
Cust.VALIDATE("Payment Method Code", PayTerm."Payment Method Code");
Window.UPDATE(1, Cust."No.");

We timed the window updates and its easily 1.75-2.25 seconds per update and the process takes hours.

Important stuff
- Customer table 40k records
- Nav 2009sp1
- Other tables respond "with normal speed"
- Sql 2008
32gig mem
logs - striped across 4 drives
db - striped across 8 drives
Sql DB's seperate 4 drives
Same speed with out without other users


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    The first thing I notice is you are updating a record retrieved with a default FINDSET. Which is a FINDSET(FALSE, FALSE). You should use a FINDSET(TRUE) when you intend to update. With a large table like this you'd probably be better with a FIND('-')
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    The other thing to check is what code you have in the OnValidate trigger of the "Payment Method Code" field - it could be this that is taking up the time.
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    Why not to investigate with Client Monitor? At least you can exclude bad keys and ugly code after running client monitor...
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Try this:
        PayTermTemp := PayTerm; // use a temptable for the payment terms
      UNTIL PayTerm.NEXT = 0;
        IF PayTermTemp.GET(Cust."Payment Terms Code") THEN BEGIN
          IF Cust2.Payment Method Code" <> PayTermTemp."Payment Method Code" THEN BEGIN
                 // why modifying the table if it is already ok?
            Cust2 := Cust; // best use another buffer to do your dirty work.
            Cust2.VALIDATE("Payment Method Code", PayTermTemp."Payment Method Code");
    // DO NOT USE UPDATE HERE!  Window.UPDATE(1, Cust."No.");
    UNTIL Cust.NEXT = 0;
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 81
    Solved, but raised a new question.

    I found a line of code that was a add-on piece of code which checks user field level permissions. So i commented that out and the process flies.

    The issue that it raised is why is testing the windows access control table so slow?

    Filters are roleid , userid

    When you open the table its not slow, but a simple query runs slow.

    ***Could "maybe a slow Active Directory" slow down virtual tables?
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Could you post the code you removed? I use the "allow this only is member of role X" stuff in many situations and have never experienced a performance issue. That's not to say I just haven't run into one yet. But maybe we'll spot something.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    If I remember correctly, the user name in the table is a flowfield and the security check is on that table, so it is slower.
    And if you do that for (each field in) each record, it adds up.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Change the code so that it tests an "Allow editing customers" checkmark you create in the User Setup. Frankly the whole roles and permissions stuff is such a mess, so I rather I start with everybody being SUPER(DATA) restricted on the MenuSuite only, and when and if people go "Gaah! Leslie changed a Credit Limit to sixty billion! Can you stop him doing so?" then I add a boolean to the User Setup and a very simple short code whole thing is 5 mins.
  • rmv_RUrmv_RU Member Posts: 119
    Steve wrote:
    Solved, but raised a new question.

    I found a line of code that was a add-on piece of code which checks user field level permissions. So i commented that out and the process flies.

    The issue that it raised is why is testing the windows access control table so slow?

    Filters are roleid , userid

    When you open the table its not slow, but a simple query runs slow.

    ***Could "maybe a slow Active Directory" slow down virtual tables?

    You can cache access rights. Simple implementation looks like:
    1. Create single instance codeunit Security Management.
    2. Inside the codeunit create a boolean variable IsInited and a function InitCodeunit - copy every data that you need into temporary tables.
    3. Transfer all security checks into the codeunit functions.
    Looking for part-time work.
    Nav, T-SQL.
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    Good approach, only one thing - admins should be aware of this customization. Normally when you change security setting for an user the changes come to play immediately, but with single instance cashing codeunit the changes will be applied only after restart of client.
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