Company Wise User Personalization(Role Center) for same user

gandhi_nklgandhi_nkl Member Posts: 44
edited 2013-09-03 in NAV Three Tier
Dear All,

Is it possible to have company wise User Personalization (Role Center) for same user?


Company 1 : User Personalization Setup

If i open Company 1 the following setup needs to be change,

User ID : A
Profile ID : Purhcase Module(Page ID = 50000)
Language ID : 1033
Company : 1

Company 2 : User Personalization Setup

If i open Company 2 the following setup needs to be change,
User ID : A
Profile ID : Sales Module(Page ID = 50001)
Language ID : 1033
Company : 2

But my Requirement is , if i change company the system should change automatically user personalization setup company wise, is it possible? please help me on this?

Do we have any setup or else we need to do customization?
Thanks & Regards,


  • DuikmeesterDuikmeester Member Posts: 309
    Create 2 different shortcuts which open one company as sales and the other as purchaser.
    Otherwise you need to change the DefaultRoleCenterID trigger in Codeunit 9170
  • gandhi_nklgandhi_nkl Member Posts: 44
    Create 2 different shortcuts which open one company as sales and the other as purchaser.
    Otherwise you need to change the DefaultRoleCenterID trigger in Codeunit 9170

    Hi Duikmeester,

    how can we have different rolecenter for the same user?.

    Different shortcut we can have company wise.but i want to have different rolecenter for the same user.
    Thanks & Regards,
  • DuikmeesterDuikmeester Member Posts: 309
    Use -profile:"Inkoper" or -profile:"Verkooporderverwerker". Exact profile name might be different from this example.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe [options] [uri]
    	-?					Displays this Help dialog box
    	-profile:name			Loads the specified profile.
    	-configure				Opens the client in configuration mode.
    	-language:id			Opens the client with the specified language.
    	-settings:file			Opens the client with the specified settings file.
    	-fullscreen				Opens the client in full-screen mode.
    	-shownavigationpage:{0|1}	Allows the client to start without showing the navigation page. 
    			Must be used with the URI parameter. 
    			0: Do not display the navigation page. 
    			1: Similar to having no parameter.
    	-debug				Opens the client in debug mode.
    	-disablepersonalization		Disables personalization in the client.
    	-failurestacktrace			Sends the stack trace for the client to the Clipboard.
    	For more information, see “Starting the RoleTailored Client at the Command Prompt” in the Developer and IT Pro Help.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure
    	Loads the default profile and opens the client in profile configuration mode.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"Accounting Manager"
    	Loads the Accounting Manager profile and opens the client in profile configuration mode.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -language:1033
    	Starts the application with settings for the culture with locale ID 1033.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -language:de-DE
    	Starts the application with settings for the culture named de-DE.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe "DynamicsNAV://Server/Server Instance/Company/RunPage?Page=21"
    	Opens page 21, Customer Card, in the client.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -shownavigationpage:0 "DynamicsNAV://Server/Server Instance/Company/RunPage?Page=21"
    	Opens page 21, Customer Card, in the client without showing the navigation page.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe "DynamicsNAV://Server/Server Instance/Company/RunReport?Report=101"
    	Opens report 101, Customer List, in the client.
    	Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -fullscreen "DynamicsNAV://Server/Server Instance/Company/RunPage?Page=21"
    	Opens page 21, Customer Card, in full-screen mode in the client.
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