how would I get equivalent code in Nav 2013?

Nayha12Nayha12 Member Posts: 2
edited 2013-08-21 in Dynamics CRM
//Specify the binding to be used for the client.
WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;

//Specify the address to be used for the client.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(wsaddcamb.Text);

ServiceReference2.IeLinkClient ic = new ServiceReference2.IeLinkClient(binding, address);

XmlIOResponse iRespone = new XmlIOResponse();

ServiceReference2.OrderStatusResponse ors = new ServiceReference2.OrderStatusResponse();

ors = ic.GetInboundOrderStatus("9270", "0018656", txtUserID.Text, txtPwd.Text);

//iResponse = ic.ImportOutbound(onh, ond, txtUserID.Text, txtPwd.Text);
//MessageBox.Show("Doc#: " + iResponse.WmsPickNumber + "\n\nSystemMessage: " + iResponse.SystemMessage);
MessageBox.Show("\n\nSystemMessage: " + ors.OrderStatus.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
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