this should go without an extra function. In Page 39, trigger OnOpenPage is this standard code:
BalAccName:='';OpenedFromBatch:=("Journal Batch Name"<>'') AND ("Journal Template Name"='');
IF OpenedFromBatch THEN BEGINCurrentJnlBatchName:="Journal Batch Name";GenJnlManagement.OpenJnl(CurrentJnlBatchName,Rec);
EXIT;END;GenJnlManagement.TemplateSelection(PAGE::"General Journal",0,FALSE,Rec,JnlSelected);
IF NOT JnlSelected THEN
When you set the gen. jnl. batch name (and only this field) in the Gen. Jnl Line record before calling the page with it, then it should work. I would define the Gen. Jnl. Line as a local variable on the page action, though.
I want to open a custom page (similar to page id 39) thru a specific "Journal Template Name" & a "Journal Batch Name" too.
Please look the Code of OnOpen Page (Custom Page)...
IF IsOpenedFromBatch THEN BEGINCurrentJnlBatchName:="Journal Batch Name";GenJnlManagement.OpenJnl(CurrentJnlBatchName,Rec);SetControlAppearance;
EXIT;END;GenJnlManagement.TemplateSelection(PAGE::"General Journal",0,FALSE,Rec,JnlSelected);
IF NOT JnlSelected THEN
Due to above function called "IsOpenedFromBatch" in the SourceTable 81, I am not able to execute the same.
The Code of "IsOpenedFromBatch" is given below.
IsOpenedFromBatch():BooleanBatchFilter:= GETFILTER("Journal Batch Name");
IF BatchFilter<>'' THEN BEGINTemplateFilter:= GETFILTER("Journal Template Name");
IF TemplateFilter<>'' THEN
GenJournalBatch.SETFILTER("Journal Template Name",TemplateFilter);GenJournalBatch.SETFILTER(Name,BatchFilter);GenJournalBatch.FINDFIRST;END;
EXIT((("Journal Batch Name"<>'') AND ("Journal Template Name"='')) OR (BatchFilter<>''));
I have tried to achieve my goal thru different ways but I can't get the positive result.
Please suggest the best solution for the same without hampering standard code/code blocking..
ArcherPoint, Inc
this should go without an extra function. In Page 39, trigger OnOpenPage is this standard code:
When you set the gen. jnl. batch name (and only this field) in the Gen. Jnl Line record before calling the page with it, then it should work. I would define the Gen. Jnl. Line as a local variable on the page action, though.
with best regards
I want to open a custom page (similar to page id 39) thru a specific "Journal Template Name" & a "Journal Batch Name" too.
Please look the Code of OnOpen Page (Custom Page)...
Due to above function called "IsOpenedFromBatch" in the SourceTable 81, I am not able to execute the same.
The Code of "IsOpenedFromBatch" is given below.
I have tried to achieve my goal thru different ways but I can't get the positive result.
Please suggest the best solution for the same without hampering standard code/code blocking..