export page as txt works, import the same file does not

kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
edited 2014-04-02 in NAV Three Tier
The object compiles, can be exported as a .fob and also imported as a .fob file.
I can export the object as a .txt file, but I cannot import this file.
I did search for invisible enters, strange characters, but could not find any.

The error message I get is :
You cannot enter ' RunObject=Page 11078772;' in ObjectID.

You can export Page 11078772 as txt and also import the same file.

Any suggestions what might be the problem?

Services for RTC? / replication (thought that was only a problem for tables)
Edit: SQL view.???

This is the part of the tekst where the error occures:
{ 1100502077;2 ;Action ;
RunObject=Page 11078772;
RunFormLink=Customer No.=FIELD(No.) }


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    May I know which version are using?
    If it is belowNAV2013 then do you have form also with same ID? Did you try ?
    RunObject=Form 11078772;
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Hello Mohana,

    I have a form that contains the same link(action), that form gives no problems.


    edit: version SP1 in technical R2
  • skullaskulla Member Posts: 140
    Do you have a page in your database with that ID?
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Hello Skulla,

    Yes we do,
    and I can export that page in fob or TXT
    and also import that object in fob or txt. I think nothing is wrong with that page.
  • skullaskulla Member Posts: 140
    What is the object number you are exporting?
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Page 21. :-)
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    I found that the error is related to the content of the RunFormLink property. When I empty that field, the import stops at a different Line. (where it is stopped because of the same problem).

    But why? I need that runformLink property.
    It must be related to the listpage, not all actions with Listpages and filtering with RunFormLink give an error. (f.i. Customer Ledger Entries, with RunFormLink = imported OK).

    version: technical: R2, objects 2009 SP1

    Is this the reason?
    983596 Filters in the RunFormLink property work incorrectly in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1??????
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    when I export a TXT file from 2009 into 2013 (had to modify the textfile, al names with 'form' are replaced by 'page'), the import works.
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Found that the way txt exports are made differs from version R2 and sp1, the runformlink properties use 1 line in R2 and 2 in the SP1 version.
    My problem is not solved with this but maybe this does ring a bel? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    I created a simple page in our range with a link to another new page in our range. This page could not be imported as txt file.
    Importing the new page as txt was no problem, importing the link gave the error.
    Importing as fobs was no problem.

    When I changed al the page numbers to a number in the 50000 range the import as txt did work! :roll:
    Fob did also work.

    What is going wrong? The license file gives no problem in normal use, each fob can be imported and used, also the linked objects. Only the txt does not work.... and whe need the txt for easy security (mergetool).... Per has been informed.

    ????? Any suggestions????
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Any suggestions?
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    kabroco wrote:
    I created a simple page in our range with a link to another new page in our range. This page could not be imported as txt file.
    Importing the new page as txt was no problem, importing the link gave the error.
    Importing as fobs was no problem.

    When I changed al the page numbers to a number in the 50000 range the import as txt did work! :roll:
    Fob did also work.

    What is going wrong? The license file gives no problem in normal use, each fob can be imported and used, also the linked objects. Only the txt does not work.... and whe need the txt for easy security (mergetool).... Per has been informed.

    ????? Any suggestions????

    So you can repeat this problem? working with 50000 range, not working in addon range?
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    Yes, I can repeat this.
    In what objects is this check done?
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
  • kabrocokabroco Member Posts: 111
    We solved the problem. \:D/
    We had a page named 110 (and a page named 111, somebodye made this for testing)
    This page was the cause of the problem.

    Type ID Name Caption Modified Version List Date Time Locked By Locked
    8 52000 110 110 yes 05/04/13 12:56:48 No
    Type ID Name Caption Modified Version List Date Time Locked By Locked
    8 52000 Joke Joke Yes 05/04/13 12:56:48 No

    When we renamed the page to Joke, problem solved.......
    No need to rename page 111.

    Why? No Idea. :roll:
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