I need idea on this. Let say I copy some records from one table and store in a temporary table. I able to copy all the fields except the flowfield from source table.
How to copy flow fields to another table?
This is my coding :-
IF "Cust. Ledger Entry".FINDSET THEN
"TempCust.LedgerEntry"."Entry No." := "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Entry No.";
"TempCust.LedgerEntry"."Customer No." := "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Customer No.";
"TempCust.LedgerEntry"."Posting Date" := "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Posting Date";
"TempCust.LedgerEntry".Amount := "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Amount"; //THIS Amount FIELD IS FLOW FIELD ACTUALLY.
UNTIL "Cust. Ledger Entry".NEXT = 0;
If I run this code, the amount value returns 0.
Please share, thanks in advance.
if destination temporary table is defined from the same table as source table, flowfields will hit the values without any assigning. So, assign Amount is not necessary.
Thank You, It's working perfectly now. Really appreciate.