2009 SP1 and SMTP charset

NabucoNabuco Member Posts: 65
Hi all,
Have almost finished coding automated SMTP-mails for a variety of cases and with attachments. All Works fine except for the special local characters in Danish.
Presume UTF-8 is to be used here, but fail to find the correct command to send to mail-server (like the <br> for CR/LF).
Anyone knowing correct syntax?

Thanks in advance


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    I am not sure, where and what you are doing, but you need to make sure two things are right:
    • The Content-transfer-encoding: mime header tells, how the bytes in the message are interpreted to get the message content as a document.
    • Then there is the Content-Type: mime header that tells, what kind of document the part of the message is. It might be
      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      So here we have a plain text file in us-ascii encoding. For some documents, like xml-files, the content's encoding is defined from within that file, not from the outside. For html-documents this is a mixed story, because it is actually defined by a http header or in the case of an email message the mime header. However, there's also the http-equiv meta tag within the file as a second source for this information. Codes like <br> have nothing to do with the mime structure of the message but are part of the document's definition only.
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