Error"The filter "Cert(A)"is not valid.Did not expect a '('"

CyanCyan Member Posts: 2
I have having issue when filter "Type(A)" record in report 2013.
Error message is "The filter "Cert(A)"is not valid for Certificate field on Certificate table.Did not expect a '('".
I used Setfilter in c/side coding. Which method do I need to use to filter to get that record in c/side.


  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    Try filtering with SETRANGE instead since you are just filtering on a single fixed value
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    When you use SETFILTER, you should always set up the String parameter (the 2nd parameter) with %1, %2... replacement fields for any non-constant values, and add those values as additional parameters, to avoid any such issues you are having.
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