2-Dimensional Array

PratyushaMenonPratyushaMenon Member Posts: 18
ProdDis - 2 dimensional array
i - integer
MTDsales - Singles Dimension array

The values are stored in the variable ProdDis such that : ProdDis[1] stores the product code and ProdDis[2] stores the Column number of the excel that particular product code value is printed in.

I have to display the MTD sales of an item with Product Code X , on the column that Product Code X is displayed on. And i do it like this:

FOR i:= 1 TO ProdCount DO BEGIN
SalesInv.SETRANGE("Product Code",ProdDis[1]);

XLSHEET.Range(ProdDis[2]+FORMAT(RNo)).Value := FORMAT(MTDsales);

Now the values that come in are as follows:

when i is 1:
ProdDis[1] := 'PROD1';
ProdDis[2] := 'H';
MTDsales[1] := 0

when i is 2:
ProdDis[1] := 'PROD2';
ProdDis[2] := 'I';
MTDsales[2] := 0;

when i is 3:
ProdDis[1] := 'PROD3';
ProdDis[2] := 'J';
MTDsales[3] := 34,456;

By the logic (and even the debugger shows it to be correct) , the figure 34,456 should appear in column J. However, it appears in column H. And this happens for many such columns.

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
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