Hi to everyone.
I am posgraduate student and I am writing my thesis about Navision Implementation Methodology. I have already studied about the Methodology (ontarger) proposed by Microsoft and I wonder if this methodology is helpful and if this methodology is actualy adobted by companies. I think tha it is too complex and requires a lot of documenatition to be created. I would like to know your oppinion about that.
Does your company use it and why?
Thank you in advance!
What usually we adopt is the development methodology.
Sales Phase
The design phase uses request documents that also serve as design docs.
The designer approves or writes entirely and places a time bid on them. The Sales person or analyst gets approval from customer. We do use the implementation methodology as far as importing and exporting modified objects and reviewing change logs, but the other phases depend on the complexity of the customers installation.
The method is based on Scope and Phase control that deeply ties to risk control. This is a modern style of project managment. The most important factor for project sucess is to manage risks prior to they occurs and documentation is one of the key factor.
Hi csearle,
The method is based on Scope and Phase control that deeply ties to risk control. This is a modern style of project management. The most important factor for project success is to manage risks prior to they occurs and documentation is one of the key factor.
It is to:
- get the consensus of the project goal and the client business objectives with Navision.
- clarify scope and out of scope for the project
- clarify the road map to implement Navision, and tasks & roles for both consultants and users during the project
- clarify design and its results: why we decide this design, etc.
Imagine you would need the recipe when you cook a menu at the first time. Navision project is new to any clients.
Without the recipe they may add salt instead of sugar!
This is a risk. With the recipe you still have a chance to get wrong in measuring. Project Management methodology is to eliminate easily-avoidable risks.
I am quite new to the Navision world, and it seems it is true not many partners use the project management method, which made me surprised.
On target is well developed. We are trying to use at least a part of that to all of our projects.
If you want to write the thesis about On target, I recommend you to study about the modern project management, too.
Or, is it too late, now?
Tokyo, Japan
Goals & Objectives
Architecture / Blueprinting
Take Offs
Order Materials
Project Management
Walk through
Patches / Re-work
Move In
Customizations (finish the basement, add landscaping)
Why is a software project any different? Another illustration. Isn't the hardest part of a custom built home, doing the architecture and take offs? Isn't this the same inside of software project management? Once you have a clear blueprint for your application, can't you easily do your own take offs (programmer specifications). Once you have clear and detailled programming specifications, is finding a developer with at least some level of competence that difficult to find and have them achieve? Skilled craftsmen (programmers) are many, as long as you have clear specifications.
In essence, these are steps that we take. Vision, Goals and Objectives, Budget, Blueprinting, programming specifications, build, maintenance, customizations. Simplified view but you get the picture.
NAV, CRM, MOSS, CMS, Commerce Server
Justin King
Brulant, Inc
justin.king at brulant.com
Let's take a look back at what Navision Manual suggest for its methodology.
In the past, I have learnt Focus Methodology... and it's not suitable with Navision.
From what I have been learning now, we can describe our project to the following phases:
1) Diagnostic Phase
2) Analysis Phase
3) Design Phase
4) Development and Testing Phase
5) Deployment Phase
6) On-Going Support Phase
I hope it helps you.. just a simple thought (Go back to Navision Training Manual) I found all of these from C/Side Solution Development. 8)