Equipment Hire/Rental

JohnPJohnP Member Posts: 56
edited 2001-11-13 in Navision Financials
Doe anybody have any practical experience of using Navision for controlling a business that hires/rents equipment?

Do you put the equipment on as items or resources? Items have the advantage of hard reservations & good availability overviews but you get loads of inventory transactions as you book the equipment in and out to the customer. Resources avoid all this but you don't have availability/reservations.

Any suggestions and comments on this subject would be very welcome.



  • John_TegelaarJohn_Tegelaar Member Posts: 159

    There comes a little more to it. If the company rents the goods, it means it is an asset they hire out. Then you need to look at valuation and depreciation as well, not to mention keeping track of the individual items - i.e. for maintenance cost, life-span or availability. The method of charging rental costs can become complicated (days, hours, weeks?), together with the variation in pre-charging, post-charging, or subscription-charging.

    Of course, it can be done with Navision - in fact, it has been done before - but it meant a lot of modifications and additional functions. Although Attain is having some of the required modules on board now, it is surely a job not to underestimate. And for certain a very thorough analysis of the business rules and workflow should be done first.

  • PattPatt Member Posts: 5
    There is an Add On available for this. It is called Rental Advantage - See
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