NAS rebooting

spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
I'm working with a NAS scheduler that was developed by our old partner. What happens is when a NAS job hits a locked table it reboots NAS. This happens 2-3 times per day. Anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot?

We're on 5.0SP1. Our license doesn't include Job Scheduler so that's why we're using their module.


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    What event log entries are generated, that might be related to this?
    Does it happen when you run NAS from the command line rather than as service? with the same user as the service? with a different user?

    I don't know whether the CRONUS license allows to run NAS and Job Queue. If it does, does the error occur there?

    Try to reinstall NAS. Some .etx or .stx file might be corrupted.

    Try setting up your NAS according to the 3rd paragraph of this post.

    Try a different build version of NAS (compatible with your server's database version).
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    If I understand you right, you haven't got the Job Queue Module in your license. That's why your old partner created an individual NAS based solution for you. This solution reboots itself when it hits a table lock. Right?

    To me it looks very strange. Table lock in general isn't something that needs to be solved by rebooting the service. Normal behaviour would be that NAS (like normal user's sessions) waits until the lock is finished. That would only last in a slight longer runtime. Is there any process that takes unusual long time to complete?
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
    The NAS processes that are restarting the service are posting Item adjustments and Purchase receipts when they get a table lock.

    I'm not able to duplicate the issue at a command prompt since it doesn't happen every time these processes are running. I'm going to put in block logging to see if I can figure out what locks cause the issue in the first place.

    The event log just says that the XYZ table was locked. G/L Entry, Reservation Entry and Warehouse Request are the ones I'm seeing most. The NAS service restarts immediately after that.

    We're currently on 5SP1 but we're upgrading at the beginning of the year so this issue should go away but I'd like to stabilize NAS for the next couple of months. I need to confirm that the NAS version installed is the correct one. I've installed another NAS on a different server and I've never had an issue with that one. It's only running Adjust Cost though.

    Thanks for all your suggestions.
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