We are in the midst of an upgrade from 3.7B to NAV2013. I have some processing reports to upgrade that make use of dynamic request forms in 3.7B. Basically, the old request form would have business logic that controlled whether certain Controls were editable or not.
Example: If you check "Update Location Code" as true, a separate Control linked to the location table would become editable.
Is this still possible with request pages? All I can find in the symbol menu is a general request page editable property. It does not seem to exist at the Control level.
I thought it might be easily analogous to 3.7B, but the below does not compile.
IF NOT bUpdateLocation THEN BEGIN
kind of fell into this...
create new variable, called "ShowNewLocation" as boolean in Globals. Press Shift+F4 to get to properties and make "IncludeinDataset" as Yes.
Then open that field property on request page and for Editable page change "Yes" to "ShowNewLocation". Now when you will change value of ShowNewLocation, your field will become editable/uneditable dynamically.
Link to MSDN what can be controlled this way: MSDN
Hope that helps.
Igor Pchelnikov