Hi everyone,
I have a question about Approval Management in dynamics NAV...
From a sales order, when I press Order-> Approvals, I get a form with three buttons: Delegate, Show and Help.
but when I design Form 658 (Approval Entries), I find five buttons: Approve, Reject, Delegate, Show and Help.
I wonder why the two first buttons are hidden? and in what conditions are they displayed? Does it depend on the user roles?
Thanks in advance
Second, When you open the form from order processing -> Approval entries now you can see both of the buttons means you should be having some entries to be approve or reject by your id(you are approver).
Hope it's clear to you..
The exact answer is, if you are open page from SO, the buttons are hidden. While from Approval Entries, the buttons are visible.
In spite of whether you are the approver or not. If you are not the approver, and force to push the Approve button, the error will arise.
So, the button will be visible/not depends on where from do you call the form.