Hi everyone

I'm upgrading a 2009 CC report (without RDL) to NAV 2013, so I started the Layout from scratch.
The problem is that in some of the tables the cells are widening when printed on almost all pages.
And yes, the property 'CanGrow' = FALSE in ALL cells.
Putting a thin empty footer at the end of table resolved this problem temporary, but as soon I made
some modifications and saved again, the cells are widening again.
FYI: It's a report with VERY complex Layout (so I wonder if this affect somehow how cells are processed,
since I haven't had this problem on simpler reports).
Here is a link to a screenshot of the printed Layout
http://prntscr.com/1di5e7 (the data is blanked intentionally).
I imagine someone has encountered the same problem so far,
10x in advance