Is there a way that we can have a comment line print automatically on order confirmations and invoices. For example, we have a customer that gets 5% discount. We would like to print something that says "You saved 5% on your order" or something to that effect. Obviously this would have to be done by customer.
If you want a quick easy solution - just add a new field to your customer table.
Call it "Special Comment" of whatever name you prefer type text 250.
Where you can Enter your "Phrase" - "You saved 5% on your order".
Add a textbox to your invoice report with sourceexp = Customer."Special Comment" to show the message.
Customer should already be part of the invoice report so I'll assume a GET already exists, else you'll have to add a GET.
The other way would be to pull the Value (5 in this example) from the Cust. Invoice Disc. table per customer and have that show on the invoice. (you'll have to add a get and or find statment)
ex/ "Special Comment" := ("You received %1 % on Your Order",CustInvDisc."Discount %");
That way you don;t have to be concerned that if the value ever changes in the future that it will still be correct.
The first method you would have to change the "Special Comment" field as well as the Cust. Invoice Disc. table.