Block Item per Customer

westformwestform Member Posts: 2
edited 2001-11-09 in Navision Financials
We would like to block certain items per customer or even through pricing groups.

For instance, all customers in Price Group A can buy any item except item Z. We could just set the price so high that the sales order would go into credit hold, but we'd like to do this some other way.

Thoughts? <img border="0" title="" alt="" src="images/smiles/icon_confused.gif" />


  • dbdb Member Posts: 82
    I have done such thing for one our customer "customer assortment". It shows items list depending customer and sorts it.
    It's looks following:

    Created new table:
    Item No.
    Assortemt group
    Starting date
    Position No in list

    Modified item's list form to show items depending on this table. Changed invoices, Credit memos ... forms.

    It's very complicated thing ... Working on this project I have found some NF bugs and a lot of NF weakness.
    If you dont need sorting, it is more simple.
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