Sale pricing from "sell to customer" instead of "Bill to"

famendozafamendoza Member Posts: 3
Hello everyone!

We have a business requirement that is the possibility to manage 4 customers as an independent sales channels but all of them have to consolidate in the same VAT. We think that The best way to do it is to have 5 different customers records (4 for The commercial activities and 1 to consolidate them) and use The Bill-to-customer function. The problem is that NAV only recognizes the sales prices and discounts from The customer that will be invoiced to. The requirement is to have different prices, salesperson, discounts and also for reports we have to show them separated, The receibable processes have to be manage as a one customer.

Any idea will be appreciate. Thanks in advance



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    in CU 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt. Find Function


    and change "Bill-to Customer No." to Sell to
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • absolutelyfreewebabsolutelyfreeweb Member Posts: 104
    this works, but you'd also need to change CU441 Prepayment mgmt. the same way.
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