Hello everyone,
I have one problem with running a Page. I've read somewhere that could be a Bug in compiling from C/AL to C# but I am not sure.
I have Picture in attachment, but on German language. Translated to English means
"Operator can not work with Types Double and Decimal"
this is a line of C# code in ....\Source\Page Folder. 50074.cs file
Rec.Target.SetFieldValueSafe(35, NavType.Decimal, new NavDecimal(ALCompiler.ToDecimal(tc.InvokePropertyGet<Double>(@GetPreis, 1))))
Does anyone know what could be the problem ?
1.) This is actualy one dll file with functions which we use with external application ( Automation ). I've tried to change Double into Decimal in Visual Studio, but doesn't help.
Now, I've tried just for testing purposes put Integer. With Integer everything it's OK, I can Compile Page and at the end I can run it.
But Integer is not appropriate, should be decimal or double :-k
Instead of decimal and double I put data type Single and everything seems fine. [-o<