Hi Experts,
I am using Nav 2009 Classic
In BOM we were giving the Item and UOM is in NOS and the Qty is 1
But while doing purchase ,the repective dept will raise the PO for UOM in Kg.
For EXample
R012152 UOM is in NOS and QTY is 1
But While doing PO for the same item as
R012152 & UOM is in KG and QTY is 50kg
After doing the Purchase
My inventory will capture which stock,either 50kg or 1 Nos .
But my standard UOM is NOS.
By chance,if my Inventory will get update for 50kg,
Then the same item will issue for Assembly by QTY as 1 nos,Then my stock remains 49 .
Its shows my incorrect stock .
What shall i do . ](*,)
I have given my Unit of measure code as NOS
Rather i didn't given anything.
Hope you understood my problem..
NOS vs KG.....
How to adapt this.
The UOM of Nos Vs Kg issue was resolved,
I just given the UOM relationship in Basic UOM Code field
Like my Base UOM is in NOS and my Purchase UOM is in KG
SO Nos=1 Qty per unit of measure
Kg=0.005 Qty per unit of measure
By these we can achieve ,if u want to make a purchase of 200 kg
1/200=0.005 Qty per unit of measure.
So if do PO for 200 qty in kg ,after posting My base inventory will be show like 1 qty in NOS.
Correct me if i am wrong at anywere.... :idea:
I remember that one of my customers was changing 'Qty per Base UOM' on a regular base years ago, thus ended up with some problem. Switching this field from one value to another one, while you have some inventory, will lead to a situation where the same UOM and quantity will have different value in the 'Qty. (BASE)' on ledgers.
I don't remember where exactly this problem pop-up. I would guess it was while calculating and posting Warehouse Adjustments and making Inventory Valuation, but I am not able to give you any details now. Still there is something ringing in my head that this is not as simple as just switching value of that field. Just keep in mind that there might be some errors related to such switch and that you should always deeply check if there are none unwanted results.
PS: To be honest removing inventory before making this switch might be not enough, because then you have open documents like sales/purchase orders, which might need attention too. Everything depends from complexity of your NAV implementation.