InsertTDSBuf(TDSEntry : Record "TDS Entry";PostingDate : Date;CalculateSurcharge : Boolean;CalculateTDS : Boolean) WITH TDSEntry DO BEGIN TDSBuf[1]."TDS Nature of Deduction" := "TDS Nature of Deduction"; TDSBuf[1]."Assessee Code" := "Assessee Code"; TDSBuf[1]."Party Code" := "Party Code"; TDSBuf[1]."Party Type" := "Party Type"; IF CalculateTDS THEN BEGIN TDSBuf[1]."TDS Base Amount" := "Invoice Amount" + "Service Tax Including eCess"; IF TDSEntry."Per Contract" THEN TDSBuf[1]."Contract TDS Ded. Base Amount" := "Invoice Amount" + "Service Tax Including eCess";
InsertTDSBuf(TDSEntry : Record "TDS Entry";PostingDate : Date;CalculateSurcharge : Boolean;CalculateTDS : Boolean) CLEAR(TDSBuf[1]); WITH TDSEntry DO BEGIN TDSBuf[1]."TDS Nature of Deduction" := "TDS Nature of Deduction"; TDSBuf[1]."Assessee Code" := "Assessee Code"; TDSBuf[1]."Party Code" := "Party Code"; TDSBuf[1]."Party Type" := "Party Type"; IF CalculateTDS THEN BEGIN TDSBuf[1]."TDS Base Amount" := "Invoice Amount" + "Service Tax Including eCess"; IF TDSEntry."Per Contract" THEN TDSBuf[1]."Contract TDS Ded. Base Amount" := "Invoice Amount" + "Service Tax Including eCess";