I'm trying to create a drop shipment directly from a Sales Order to a Purchase Order. But I can't seem to find Drop Shipment button in the Functions tab. Can anyone tell me how to do this.
P.S. Our Navision doesn't come with the Requisition Worksheet, so I can't do drop shipment from there.
I'm trying to allocate the cost of inventory purchases to customers, warehouses and so forth using dimension. But I can't seem to find a report that shows the break down of items by dimension. Do I have to create one? If so, how? (Sorry, I don't know anything about modifying or creating reports...) :oops:
this function can be found on the Purchase Order form (Functions/Drop Shipments/Get Sales Orders).
Item Dimensions:
This can be done using Analyses By Dimensions
As for the Dimension, the system only show the dimensions in comparison to GL Account and/or Period. But I want to see dimension in comparison to item list.
The menu option Get Sales Orders is in standard Navision. You will need to talk with your NSC if it is not there.
You will need to setup a dimension code for items and assign a dimesion vlaue for the item numbers. If you have a copy of the CRONUS sample data, you can see an example of this.
You will also need to define the Anylses View to use the dimension codes you want to report on.
Btw, I'm using Navision ver. 3.70