We are experiencing a problem when we assign a company to a specific database login in the Role screen. When the users try to log in with an ID that has a role with a company restriction, they get the following message:
'You do not have permission to read the Object table.'
We did not have this problem in 3.7, and, in 4.0, if we take the company out of the role, they do not get the error but can open any company. Any ideas?
Solution: Create a new role with just read permission on the object table and maybe 'Member Of' table. I called this role LOGIN.
Do not assign a company to this role.
Make every user member of this role.
the ALL role have permission on the system table.
Having exactly the same problem as Jen with version 4 Navision (Swiss version) database ('You do not have permission to read the Object table') so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. ALL permission certainly seems to cover these permissions so I don't understand!
Needless to say user id SA does not have the same issue!
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
What I did are:
1) create the login ID in the SQL Server
2) assign them to Navision
3) set the role
4) set each specific permission
Hope this helps...
I can now log in using the user id. I then have the select the company and when I do I get the standard windows crash screen (send / don't send) and Navision then restarts. Tried a number of times but same result!
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Read more about it here: http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=13228
Anyway, tried various other suggestions re making user database owner (not a good idea) and they all did not work. ](*,)
Then our IT guy changed login from database server authentication to authentication login. All gone away! \:D/
Also had another problem re date not valid. Suggested fix to switch off time logging on users and in GL set up. Again worked.
Thought this may be of interest!
I have problem to assign company to user. the above error occurred.
I using Native Database, not SQL. :-k
Could you please suggest how to exactly solve the problem.
Thank you so much !!!
You can solve this problem very easy. There are two possibilites. First you create a new role, second you extend the role "ALL".
Second is easier. Assign the role ALL (alternatively the new role) to the user WITHOUT ASSIGNING A COMPANY.
Extend the ALL-role with (or insert in the new role) this Permissions:
1. TableData - 2000000001 - Object (NOT AllObject) - Read
2. TableData - 2000000003 - Member Of - Read
3. TableData - 2000000061 - User Menu Level - Read, Insert, Modify, Delete
This should work.
i'm also facing the same situation, no permission to read objects table. i didn't have this problem when assigning user to specific companies using SQL database, but with the proprietary one it's really bugging me.
Enybody solve this problem to asociate Role with Company
I cann't .
I use Navision database.
I tryed to give permissions to table 'Objects', but this don't work.
Help me
Please help who can!