how to create numbers automatically in subforms?

Manuel_A.Manuel_A. Member Posts: 22
How can i automatically create numbers in Subforms if i go to a new line? for e.x. for the primary key?

10010,10020,10030..... ?

Manuel A.


  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    last field of the key of the table of the subform :-k should be an integer .. and on the subform, you should use the property 'AutoSplitKey' ... .

    Look at how "Sales Line and the Sales order Subform" is implemented...

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • Manuel_A.Manuel_A. Member Posts: 22
    thanks so far. It worked.

    Now it creates numbers beginning from 10000 in 1000 steps.

    This is what i need at the moment.

    but how can i create numbers beginning from 1 in 1 steps ?

    1,2,3.... ? Like its done in Table 32?
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    You can use the "AutoIncrement"-property of the integer-field (key).

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • Ian_piddigntonIan_piddignton Member Posts: 92
    Just so you are aware. The reason it increments in 10000 steps is so that it can handle inserting new lines between existing ones.

    If you had 2 lines on the subform and inserted a new one between them it would get line number 15000

    If you increament in 1's you won't be able to insert between exisiting lines, you just get an error.


  • Manuel_A.Manuel_A. Member Posts: 22
    thank you for your answers!

    Manuel A.
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