We are using NAV2013 since april.
Slight problem:
While entering order lines in Sales Order, when we reach the last visible line and press TAB the marker jumps not to a new order line but down to Comments sheet

Any idea of how to jump to a new line instead?
I don't recognize the "Comment Sheet" you speak of. Do you have a screenshot?
Also note that the keyboard Shortcut to inserts a new line is CTRL+INSERT, if that helps you.
Johannes Sebastian
I press ENTER and the phenomenon appears...
Have the Sales Line Repeater og Table been modified?
You can try Clicking Gears on the Sales Line Fasttab/Repeater and Click "Customize", "Choose Columns" and check wheather the first and last Columns are marked as "Quick Entry".
Or you can change the page type from "Document" to "ListPlus".
A Document page are not suppose to have more than one Grid/Repeater.
See the UX Guide for NAV 2013 page 22 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=272540
Johannes Sebastian