](*,) ](*,) ](*,) - Banging against a very solid brick wall!!!
That is very much the sensation working with the 3.70 US version.
We are still confused on the functionality in the bank reconciliation. As in most cases Navision's online help really s....
Therefore, should there be any of you who have experience with bank reconciliation in the US version please shoot me an email @
oleschdk@hotmail.com. I would like to show you a screen shot of our actual form layout and hear your comments to it.
Hope to hear from you

Thanks in advance,
We have not had very much luck with our NSC's. The first one went bankrupt. The second was taken over by another company - all in a little longer than 1 year - so right now we are in between NSC's
Don't blame it on Navision, blame it on your partner-experience. If you can find a great partner, you will love Navision!
- Alicia
However, that seems to be a key problem here in the US - to find a suitable / qualified NSC!
Our experiences so far makes it hard to just love Navision!
Can you help us out a little clarifying the difference between the Navision Online Help on bank recon and how it actually works in the US version?
Thanks and best regards,
What company are you with?
There are many very good partners in that part of the country. I think what you should do is call Microsoft and find one with a high number of Navision certifications under their belt. And make sure the consultant you are working with from that company has several Navision certifications and understands accounting...not necessarily a CPA, but has a really good understanding of accounting. With those qualifications in place, you will have a successful relationship.
It's like this, if you are going to have your teeth worked on, you go to a dentist, if you are going to have your business software worked on, you want a consultant/programmer that has an understanding of accounting. Nothing less.
However, it seems like Navision Software is following the same sad path ever since they became engaged with Microsoft. They are spitting out versions faster than the documentation can keep up with.
Honestly, it is not that attractive paying a NSC a rediculously high amount for explaining that Navisions own help function is giving a completely false guidance.
Navision's biggest weakness has always been the extremely poor documentation and that is a golden goose to the NSC's. Perhaps that is why it has not improved even under Microsoft.
Please do not take my Navision frustrations personal. I do appreciate your responses. It is just that it is so frustrating that I can not get a clear answer anywhere. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
Best regards,
EITHER nobody knows howto .. or everybody are working with an NSC and therefore feel offended..?
But it can not be real that no one ine US have not noticed that the bank recon does not work as described in Navisions own help function!
Please do not come up with any BS about having to find the right consultant. This is BASICS in any ERP system! Bank recon is not rocket science. It is very much straight forward!
I have figured out a work around but it is HIGHLY dissatisfying that qualified help is not available even when it comes to basic functionality.
I really can't help but to say NAVISION SUCKS!
It maybe a case of there is specific changes to the standard world-wide Bank recon functionality and there for anyone outside the US won't be able to help you, but try post you actual problem and maybe you'll get more help.
I know the standard bank recon module as well as omne that is used here in NZ and I am happy to try and help.
You are right, I should recap on the actual problem.
Bank reconciliation in the US version 3.70! We do not have a problem understanding the principales of bank recon. However, we do have a problem getting it to work according to the instructions in the Navision online help.
Eventhough we have have figured out a work around it is extremely frustrating to have to explain to all new users (we are implementing Navision) that the online help can not be trusted nor do we have qualified help through a NSC. They just want to charge 200 bucks an hour to explain / fix what should be part of the package to begin with. I am sorry because I really do enjoy Navision but it is looking so bad with the lack of support we have.
I would like to show you the US help and the do function for bank recon. Please shoot me an email @ oleschdk@hotmail.com
Best regards,
http://www.geocities.com/navision_attai ... counts.pdf
You still haven't described the actual problem other than that you have a problem.
At what stage do you get a problem?
There are people here who are trying and would like to help you, but at the moment it seems like you are more intent on destroying Navision's reputation than actually trying to get your problem resolved.
Once again, we are trying to help you out here.
I would love to help, but the GB Bank Rec is based on the worldwide version and I believe the US one has been completely changed for Noth America and I am unfamiliar with that version.
Please do not malign Navision or the people who post here out of goodwill to help! This is the quickest way to ensure that people ignore your postings or reply in kind. If you "flame" about Navision or about resellers (Many of whose employees post answers here free of charge, so we cannot be all bad) here you should expect to be "flamed" back (Or having the topic closed off).
Is it a case of you need someone to put together instructions on runnning bank recs in the US version or is there a specific problem? If so, please could you outline how it exactly came about, what happened and what you expected to happen, please?
Let's try to fix the problem instead of exchanging insults!
Lead Consultant
Has your NSC installed all improvements for version3.7?
Improvements 27, 31, 41 and 42 address issues with Bank Reconciliations.
27 addresses dimensions
31 addresses an overflow error with last statement no
41 addresses currency conversion and dimensions
42 addresses incorrect balance and 2 Bank Recs containing the same ledger entry
Please take in account that Navision is a VERY good ERP in the market it has been so in it's history.
It's funny your phrase "Perhaps that is why it has not improved even under Microsoft. " Well... indeed Navision has gone all way down since Microsoft bought it (Hold on, at that point I should recognize that I got that idea from senior consultants for I didn't work myself in the previous age).
I am told that the old support "country by country" was extremely good than the current partnersource (If that is support, I mean... I can't even register) and that they were so proud of there knowledge of the ERP that where on themselves one of the key part of the product.
I should agree that version 3.7 has HARD AND SERIOUS country specified problems. I had to work in Poland and Navision there is not AT ALL able to cope with their complex accountancy system and that shouldn't be sold there as it is now.
Bizarre indeed that a key part of a USA functionality should not work.
Please don't blame Navision for still being an excelent product (blame Microsoft for the unexistant & useless support if you want).
All the sloppy code inside of the code routines is written by Navision, not by Microsoft (and believe me, anyone writing code like this in a programming course will be graded 1/20, it makes just about every mistake in the book).
The sloppy editor was made by Navision, not by Microsoft.
The sorry excuse for a debugger was made by Navision, not by Microsoft.
The re-implmentation of a window, making it impossible to do an active window screenshot by Alt-PrtScr was doen by Navision, not by Microsoft.
The sloppy documentation of the triggers and of the C/SIDE code was made by Navision, not by Microsoft.
The listbox in the tools window that cannot be used was made by Navision, not by Microsoft.
Do I need to go on ?
Why do you people always first try to deny that there could bu just the slightest thing wrong with Navision, and when that doesn't work, blame it all on Microsoft ?
Navision, just like any other ERP or non-ERP application has it's share of problems, denying that is not going to change that.
I believe an earlier post mentioned his NSC went out of business..so I doubt these updates were made.
Not that it is important but navision uses the standard windows MDI windowing system. Microsoft created that. You cannot use ALT-PRTSCR to make a screenshoot of a MDI window.
However, every other control on a form is faked by Navision
The main problem seem to be that the US 3.70A is very different from the W1 version.
So far all the best advices have come from South Africa, Denmark, Australia, New Zeland and Poland.
However, the problem seems to be lack of complying to description of functionality in the US version.
We have found a work around. But is should not be necessary to repair your ERP (Navision)
Stop complaining about the editor! It's so cuuuuute....
The guard to me! Help DenSter! (statistically most popular thread in Mibuso).
First of all, Savatage, I do like Navision - a lot! [-X
However, the problem is that if I choose a soft title for my question I hardly get anybody to read it nor say respond. If I dare say something negative about Navision and actually shout a bit -then I get lots of responses. Some of which are yelling back at me but that's okay.
A few responses were actually helpful but never the less - something definitely must be missing in our implementation when it comes to bank recons. I will persue that with a NSC in a future!
Thanks to everybody for their comments.
If you had bad experience with various NSCs contact Microsoft directly. I know this process will be a pain in the ass but will work out at the end I hope. Only NSCs can report product errors to MS directly as far as I know.
I work for an NSC in Canada and would be happy to assist you with the North American version bank reconciliation functionality if you still need assistance. If you have specific questions or issues post them and I'll try to respond to them.
"Direct Unit Cost Field
The Purchase Line Table
This field contains the direct unit cost of the item on the line.
The program automatically retrieves the cost from the Last Direct Cost field in the Item table. If the Item Vendor table contains a cost for this vendor, the program will enter that price instead.
If you change the direct unit cost, the program updates the contents of the Line Amount and Line Discount Amount fields. The contents of the Inv. Discount Amount field will be deleted if the direct unit cost is changed. This means that the invoice discount amount will have to be recalculated.
And it writes not a word about the one and only important thing: type in the purchase price here.
I amazed that you seriously tried to used this "help"
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.