How-to force NAS to use a specific language in NAV2013 Member Posts: 5
edited 2013-05-17 in NAV Three Tier
I am running a support case with MS at the moment as controlling GLOBALLANGUAGE in NAS via Job Queue does not work in NAV2013 :-(

I have an international client where the Danish product dvd where used for the base installation. Afterwards additional languages for NL, FRA etc. have been installed.
When Job Queue is running it is in Danish which also means that the English user does not understand the runtime errors captured in the Job Queue Entry Log - is there some kind of setting or dll file I can swap on the NST/NAS server to force all execution in English (1030)?



  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Add GLOBALLANGUAGE(1033); in Codeunit 450 OnRun trigger and try..
  • Hi Mohanna,

    Been there done that - does not work :-(
    PS: It works in NAV2009.

  • Via Job Queue, startup codeunit =450
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    Waldo's solution certainly works from a technical point of view. But we all know that not all users speak English (or just don't want to because they are very proud of their native language like the french). So, it's not just a topic of get it to run but also of how are messages in Job Queue Log Entry displayed.
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • Hi Mark,

    Thx for your input. I believe it will solve my problem but limit the solution to using the same language for all Job Queues (this is ok as a temporary workaround).

    Currently I am trying to change the Globallanguage just before the new background session is started in CU451 as I want to control this per Job Queue Entry - see example below:

    Process(VAR JobQueueEntry : Record "Job Queue Entry")

    // Not support by Microsoft at the moment.

    StandardLanguage := GLOBALLANGUAGE;
    IF (JobQueueEntry."Language ID" <> StandardLanguage) THEN
    GLOBALLANGUAGE := JobQueueEntry."Language ID";

    AttemptToRun := TRUE;
    WHILE NOT Success AND AttemptToRun DO BEGIN
    Success := CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Job Queue Start Codeunit",JobQueueEntry);
    NoOfAttempts := NoOfAttempts + 1;
    AttemptToRun := NoOfAttempts < JobQueueEntry."Maximum No. of Attempts to Run";

    // Not support by Microsoft at the moment.

    IF (StandardLanguage <> GLOBALLANGUAGE) THEN
    GLOBALLANGUAGE := StandardLanguage;
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