One of the guys at work here says he found somewhere in Navision where it reported the total number of Items in the system. But he forgot where he found it! Anyone know?
Navigate through this menu: File/Database/Information
You'll see a command button "TABLES". If you press this a form "Database information (Tables) " opens. Here you can put a filter on Table 27 (Item) to see the "No. of records" in the different companies ( if there is more than one).
If "Company Name" is empty then all companies use the same item table.
You'll see a command button "TABLES". If you press this a form "Database information (Tables) " opens. Here you can put a filter on Table 27 (Item) to see the "No. of records" in the different companies ( if there is more than one).
If "Company Name" is empty then all companies use the same item table.