Can someone please advice on this scenario..
Can I change payment Term code in Posted Sales Invoice (Through Codeunit..)?? Wrong Payment code.. need to fix it.. without having to credit and reinvoice the shipped and delivered order???
Any other suggection?? also changing payment term through codeunit what are the implication???
Now if your real concern is correcting the "due date" then you can go into the customer's ledger entries
double click on "due date" and edit it.
So If I understand correctely, changing the Payment Type Code on a posted Sales invoice (through Codeunit) should not cause me any Issue/Problem.. also change the customer ledger due date.. based on the payment term code.. is this right ?? just want to confirm before I do the changes...
Thanks in advance...
This is something I would just reverse and redo correctly.
Seems easier to me.
But it's just a payment code you changing and to keep all the data correct, the payment code also shows on the shipment header as well as the invoice header.
Sales Invoice header is a table where you can cleanup and delete them after a while so editing it for whatever purpose shouldn't cause any issues. As I said changing it doesn't update anything (IE. due date in CLE). I assume it just for invoice printout purposes.
No, I will be writing code in a function menu (Some thing like Replace Payment Term). Yes we are just changing the Payment Term nothing else (no other data change..)
Thanks again...
they refer to the customer ledger entries.
so this change will only be visual on a printed invoice.
You have to edit the customer ledger entry due date, discount date & discount amt's to what you want them to be.