Statical Prism for C/AL 3.2.0 Community Edition (CE)

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2024-10-23 in Download section
Statical Prism 1.0.3 Community Edition (CE)
Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

You can read more about Prism on our web-site

The community edition for download here is a feature-limited edition.


Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

Discuss this download here.


  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    Looks very nice. Do you have a temp license to test/find out the advanced options?
  • stati-calstati-cal Member Posts: 9
    Hi mdPartnerNL,

    You can freely download Statical Prism Standard Edition (SE) Preview versions from our web-site You don't need any license, just uninstall Community Edition and then install Standard Edition.
  • Johannes_NielsenJohannes_Nielsen Member Posts: 206
    Hi, I've tried to CE version

    I think it's nice what you are trying to do, and very neatly executed!
    (God knows we are missing these features in the current "Development Environment")

    Is it possible to do text search in the code window?
    (I enclose Code changes with comment lines, which I need to search for)
    Best regards / Venlig hilsen
    Johannes Sebastian
  • stati-calstati-cal Member Posts: 9
    Hi Johannes,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Text search in the code window has been requested by other users, so this is in our backlog already. With Prism, you would normally do a semantic search (using "find usages" functionality) instead of doing a free text search. However, your use-case is perfectly valid. We have planned another feature that could potentially meet your need of searcing comments, and that is the ability to search all (or currently selected) object(s) for text constant contents, variables names, etc using regular expressions. We will consider to include "comment search" in that feature.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.4 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    In Prism 1.0.4 we have included the following features and bug fixes:

    ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)

    ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)

    ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window

    ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further

    ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer

    ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working

    ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)

    ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms

    ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working

    ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)

    ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • ACAEACAE Member Posts: 52

    This looks like a nice tool with features that we badly need, but I have a problem with it. For a lot of objects i get a 'parse error' (see attached image).
    I downloaded the SE 1.04 version. The object file contains about 8000 NAV 2013 objects.

    Any ideas ?

    Kind regards,

    This is the text export of one of the objects that causes the problem:

    OBJECT Table 2010025 EDI Shipment COD Import
    Time=[ 9:00:00];
    Version List=NVT6.6.0,COM;
    CaptionML=[ENU=EDI Shipment COD Import;
    NLB=EDI Zending Rembours Import];
    { 1 ; ;Shipment No. ;Integer ;CaptionML=[ENU=Shipment No.;
    NLB=Zendingnr.] }
    { 2 ; ;Line No. ;Integer ;CaptionML=[ENU=Line No.;
    NLB=Regelnr.] }
    { 3 ; ;Type ;Option ;OnValidate=BEGIN
    CASE Type OF
    Type::Goods : ProposeBenefProd;
    Type::Transport : ProposeBenefTpt;
    Type::"Third Party" : ProposeBenefThird;

    OptionCaptionML=[ENU=Goods,Transport,Third Party;
    OptionString=Goods,Transport,Third Party }
    { 4 ; ;Amount ;Decimal ;CaptionML=[ENU=Amount;
    AutoFormatExpr="Amount currency" }
    { 5 ; ;Amount currency ;Code10 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Amount currency;
    NLB=Bedrag Valuta] }
    { 6 ; ;Beneficiary code ;Code20 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Beneficiary code;
    NLB=Begunst. Code] }
    { 7 ; ;Beneficiary Name ;Text50 ;FieldClass=FlowField;
    CalcFormula=Lookup(Customer.Name WHERE (No.=FIELD(Beneficiary code)));
    CaptionML=[ENU=Beneficiary Name;
    NLB=Begunst. Naam];
    Editable=No }
    { 12 ; ;Receive method ;Code10 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Reception method;
    NLB=Wijze Ontvangst] }
    { 22 ; ;Amount (LCY) ;Decimal ;CaptionML=[ENU=Amount (LCY);
    NLB=Bedrag (LV)];
    DecimalPlaces=0:2 }
    { 30 ; ;Action Line No. ;Integer ;CaptionML=[ENU=Action Line No.;
    NLB=Actie Lijn Nr.] }
    { 31 ; ;From Cust. Tpt. Cod ;Boolean ;CaptionML=[ENU=From Cust. Tpt. Cod;
    NLB=Van klant tpt. Remb.] }
    { 50 ; ;To be deleted ;Boolean ;CaptionML=[ENU=To be deleted;
    NLB=Te schrappen] }
    { 51 ; ;Date Settlement Printed;Date ;FieldClass=FlowField;
    CalcFormula=Lookup(COD."COD-letter printed on" WHERE (Shipment No.=FIELD(Shipment No.),
    Line No.=FIELD(Line No.)));
    CaptionML=[ENU=Date Settlement Printed;
    NLB=Datum afdruk afrek.voorstel] }
    { ;Shipment No.,Line No. ;Clustered=Yes }
    recShipment@1010006 : Record 2010016;
    recFile@1010005 : Record 2010015;
    recShipmMethod@1010004 : Record 10;
    recDepartment@1010003 : Record 2002612;
    recAddress@1010002 : Record 2002619;
    recCustomer@1010001 : Record 18;
    recTptSetup@1010000 : Record 2002945;

    PROCEDURE ProposeBenefProd@1010000();
    // ProposeBenefProd
    // Export & agent : Sender
    // Export & no agent : Sender
    // Import & agent : Agent
    // Import & no agent : Sender
    // ================

    IF recShipment.GET("Shipment No.") THEN BEGIN
    recShipment.CALCFIELDS("Transporttype Sort");
    IF recShipment."Transporttype Sort" = recShipment."Transporttype Sort"::"Full loads" THEN BEGIN
    recFile.SETCURRENTKEY("File No.");
    recFile.SETRANGE("File No.",recShipment."File No.");
    "Beneficiary code" := recFile."Customer code";
    IF recShipmMethod.GET(recShipment."Shipment method") THEN BEGIN
    IF recShipmMethod."Bill-to-customer" = recShipmMethod."Bill-to-customer"::"Third Party" THEN BEGIN
    IF recDepartment.GET(recShipment.Department) THEN BEGIN
    IF recDepartment."Ben. COD when 3rd party paying" = recDepartment."Ben. COD when 3rd party paying"::Sender THEN BEGIN
    IF recShipment."Sender sort" = recShipment."Sender sort"::Customer THEN
    VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Sender code")
    IF recAddress.GET(recShipment."Sender code") THEN BEGIN
    IF recAddress."Customer No." <> '' THEN
    VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recAddress."Customer No.");
    END ELSE VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Sender code");
    END ELSE VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Principal code");
    END ELSE VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Principal code");
    IF (recShipment.Type = recShipment.Type::Import) AND
    (recShipment."Agent Code" <> '') THEN BEGIN
    IF recCustomer.GET(recShipment."Agent Code") THEN
    VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recCustomer."No.")
    IF recShipment."Sender sort" = recShipment."Sender sort"::Customer THEN
    VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Sender code")
    IF recAddress.GET(recShipment."Sender code") THEN BEGIN
    IF recAddress."Customer No." <> '' THEN
    VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recAddress."Customer No.");
    END ELSE VALIDATE("Beneficiary code",recShipment."Sender code");

    PROCEDURE ProposeBenefTpt@1010001();
    // ProposeBenefTpt
    // Always customer own company
    // ===============

    IF recShipment.GET("Shipment No.") THEN BEGIN

    VALIDATE( "Beneficiary code", recTptSetup."Customer own company");

    PROCEDURE ProposeBenefThird@1010002();
    // ProposeBenefThird
    // Always agent
    // =================

    IF recShipment.GET("Shipment No.") THEN
    IF recCustomer.GET( recShipment."Agent Code") THEN
    VALIDATE( "Beneficiary code", recCustomer."No.");

  • stati-calstati-cal Member Posts: 9
    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. I have reproduced the issue in our development environment. The issue is caused by the format of the "Time" property:

    Time=[ 9:00:00];

    I have fixed the issue in development and the fix will be available with the next Prism release which is due in a couple of weeks.

    The reason for the issue is that NAV's export function (unfortunately) takes the machines's regional settings into account. Specifically, it seems to be the setting of "Long time" to "H:mm:ss" that causes this issue. A work-around is therefore to change this setting (temporarily) to "HH:mm:ss" while exporting.

    I hope this helps. Thanks again for reporting the issue!

    Best regards,
    Christian, Statical
  • ACAEACAE Member Posts: 52
    Hi Christian,
    Thx for the quick reply. I simply edited my text file and replaced the time stamp with 12:00:00 as it is not important.

  • janpieterjanpieter Member Posts: 298
    Thanks for this nice program! However 2 things:
    - The time field parse error issue mentioned above needs [urgent] fix.
    - Recent files should not add a file already in the list.
    - also it would be nice to be able to apply an object change date filter in the where used result list.

    Thanks for your work!
    In a world without Borders or Fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
  • stati-calstati-cal Member Posts: 9
    Hi janpieter,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    We have fixed the time property parse error in our development environment and the fix will be included in our next release, which will be out in a week or two. Until then, please use the workaround of setting Window's long time format to "HH:mm:ss" while exporting from NAV.

    We have added your two suggestions to our backlog, which is growing steadily due to lot's of useful feedback from the community:-)

    Best regards,
    Christian, Statical
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.5 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • mark_aumark_au Member Posts: 40
    Love the program! After leaving the Partner world for Customer land, I sorely miss the "where-used" in the Developers toolkit, this is a very nice replacement.

    One thing I just noticed though after using it for a day, when I "Find Usage" on a field in a table, it doesn't show where the field is used as a Source Expression for a control on a Page. Is this by design, a bug, or a case of "PEBCAK"? 8)
  • stati-calstati-cal Member Posts: 9
    It's a feature yet to be implemented:-) We currently don't do any detailed parsing of "expression properties" of which SourceExpression is just one. These properties can in general hold any C/AL expression, not just identifiers.

    The only other bigger outstanding in Prism (that we are aware of) is table relations.

    To reveal some of our plans, none of these features are in the upcoming release, which is due next week. In next week's release we focus on introducing search facilities. For the release after that we focus on table relations. So it will take a couple of releases until we get to expression properties.

    To anyone reading this, please feel free to give input to new features and improvement suggestions in this discussion.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.6 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also download Prism Standard Edition Trial.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • jaja_bingsjaja_bings Member Posts: 16
    Dear Statical Prism Developers,

    thank you very much for your great piece of software, we use it daily. =D>

    I'am looking forward for my request depending global tables :D

    Best regards,
  • janpieterjanpieter Member Posts: 298
    I second that.
    I only have a very small request. The file loading indicator is on top of all windows. Could you send it more to the background so while loading we can still normally work with other applications without this window on top?

    Many thanks.
    In a world without Borders or Fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.8 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.9 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ID-408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewing
    ◾ID-405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objects
    ◾ID-378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle button
    ◾ID-406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling first
    ◾ID-409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables names
    ◾ID-345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"
    ◾ID-412 Feature List view group counters
    ◾ID-425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search results
    ◾ID-423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panel
    ◾ID-328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a store
    ◾ID-351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading store
    ◾ID-342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current store
    ◾ID-371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltips
    ◾ID-411 Feature Show field numbers in Explorer
    ◾ID-413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)
    ◾ID-419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facility
    ◾ID-420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object links
    ◾ID-404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily
    ◾ID-403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file
    ◾ID-415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object index
    ◾ID-398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square brackets
    ◾ID-410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quoted
    ◾ID-414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism view
    ◾ID-416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panel

    ◾ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ◾ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ◾ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ◾ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ◾ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ◾ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ◾ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ◾ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ◾ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ◾ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ◾ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ◾ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ◾ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ◾ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ◾ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ◾ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ◾ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ◾ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ◾ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ◾ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ◾ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ◾ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ◾ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ◾ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ◾ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ◾ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ◾ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ◾ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ◾ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ◾ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ◾ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ◾ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ◾ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ◾ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ◾ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ◾ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ◾ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ◾ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ◾ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ◾ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ◾ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ◾ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ◾ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ◾ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ◾ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ◾ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ◾ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ◾ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ◾ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ◾ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ◾ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ◾ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ◾ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ◾ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ◾ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ◾ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ◾ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ◾ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ◾ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ◾ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ◾ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ◾ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ◾ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ◾ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ◾ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ◾ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ◾ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ◾ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ◾ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ◾ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ◾ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ◾ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ◾ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ◾ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ◾ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ◾ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ◾ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ◾ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ◾ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.10 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ID-460 Feature Allow multiple open stores
    ◾ID-459 Feature Control panel
    ◾ID-456 Feature Work-around for INDATASET parse errors caused by NAV (wrongly) exporting INDATASET for Code-typed variables
    ◾ID-453 Bugfix Cannot show object or analyse usages of object when argument to TRANSFERFIELDS is non-identifier expression
    ◾ID-458 Bugfix Parse error due to values of some properties containing spaces
    ◾ID-321 Bugfix Start page unstable on terminal server (System.AccessViolationException)
    ◾ID-462 Bugfix Report display issue under certain circumstances: Key already exists
    ◾ID-463 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet type has WITHEVENTS and RUNONCLIENT
    ◾ID-466 Bugfix Parse error due to multi-line DataItemTableFilter

    ◾ID-408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewing
    ◾ID-405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objects
    ◾ID-378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle button
    ◾ID-406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling first
    ◾ID-409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables names
    ◾ID-345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"
    ◾ID-412 Feature List view group counters
    ◾ID-425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search results
    ◾ID-423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panel
    ◾ID-328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a store
    ◾ID-351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading store
    ◾ID-342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current store
    ◾ID-371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltips
    ◾ID-411 Feature Show field numbers in Explorer
    ◾ID-413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)
    ◾ID-419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facility
    ◾ID-420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object links
    ◾ID-404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily
    ◾ID-403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file
    ◾ID-415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object index
    ◾ID-398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square brackets
    ◾ID-410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quoted
    ◾ID-414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism view
    ◾ID-416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panel

    ◾ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ◾ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ◾ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ◾ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ◾ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ◾ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ◾ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ◾ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ◾ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ◾ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ◾ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ◾ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ◾ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ◾ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ◾ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ◾ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ◾ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ◾ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ◾ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ◾ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ◾ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ◾ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ◾ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ◾ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ◾ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ◾ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ◾ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ◾ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ◾ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ◾ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ◾ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ◾ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ◾ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ◾ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ◾ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ◾ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ◾ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ◾ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ◾ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ◾ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ◾ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ◾ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ◾ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ◾ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ◾ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ◾ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ◾ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ◾ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ◾ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ◾ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ◾ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ◾ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ◾ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ◾ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ◾ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ◾ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ◾ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ◾ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ◾ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ◾ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ◾ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ◾ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ◾ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ◾ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ◾ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ◾ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ◾ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ◾ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ◾ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ◾ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ◾ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ◾ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ◾ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ◾ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ◾ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ◾ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ◾ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ◾ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ◾ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • Johannes_NielsenJohannes_Nielsen Member Posts: 206
    Thank you for a great Tool.
    Really says alot about how lacking NAV Development Env. is when we still need to create tools to do basic Development.

    But anyways, a bug report:
    Once in a while, after looking up Usage of a Procedure, system focuses on the code, but the Window keeps "jumping"(moving few pixles up and down), using all the resources.

    Usually I can select something else and try Again.
    Best regards / Venlig hilsen
    Johannes Sebastian
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.11 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ID-487 Feature Show test annotations in Prism view
    ◾ID-488 Bugfix Usages of field "X" are not found in "WITH recB DO recA.X := 42" when "recA" is also a field of "recB"
    ◾ID-452 Bugfix Key parsing fails when one of the fields include certain special characters
    ◾ID-475 Bugfix Find Code Lines function is not stable (timing issue)
    ◾ID-486 Bugfix Cancellation of load, find usages etc does not cancel background job
    ◾ID-476 Bugfix Parse error when expression property ends with space (txt file encloses expression in [])
    ◾ID-461 Bugfix Parse error when object has Test annotations
    ◾ID-464 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet local variable is declared with SuppressDispose
    ◾ID-465 Bugfix Parse error when RecordRef declaration uses SECURITYFILTERING
    ◾ID-471 Bugfix Parse error when object header contains extra square backets (caused by trailing space in object name)
    ◾ID-474 Bugfix Parse error when identifier contains (very) special characters
    ◾ID-439 Bugfix Parse error when Date property has format DD-MM-YYYY
    ◾ID-473 Bugfix Parse error: "BY" is (wrongly) regarded as keyword
    ◾ID-470 Bugfix In Control Panel, mirror name is not displayed (GUID is displayed instead)
    ◾ID-477 Bugfix Control panel pops up while progress window is active

    ◾ID-460 Feature Allow multiple open stores
    ◾ID-459 Feature Control panel
    ◾ID-456 Feature Work-around for INDATASET parse errors caused by NAV (wrongly) exporting INDATASET for Code-typed variables
    ◾ID-453 Bugfix Cannot show object or analyse usages of object when argument to TRANSFERFIELDS is non-identifier expression
    ◾ID-458 Bugfix Parse error due to values of some properties containing spaces
    ◾ID-321 Bugfix Start page unstable on terminal server (System.AccessViolationException)
    ◾ID-462 Bugfix Report display issue under certain circumstances: Key already exists
    ◾ID-463 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet type has WITHEVENTS and RUNONCLIENT
    ◾ID-466 Bugfix Parse error due to multi-line DataItemTableFilter

    ◾ID-408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewing
    ◾ID-405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objects
    ◾ID-378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle button
    ◾ID-406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling first
    ◾ID-409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables names
    ◾ID-345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"
    ◾ID-412 Feature List view group counters
    ◾ID-425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search results
    ◾ID-423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panel
    ◾ID-328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a store
    ◾ID-351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading store
    ◾ID-342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current store
    ◾ID-371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltips
    ◾ID-411 Feature Show field numbers in Explorer
    ◾ID-413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)
    ◾ID-419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facility
    ◾ID-420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object links
    ◾ID-404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily
    ◾ID-403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file
    ◾ID-415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object index
    ◾ID-398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square brackets
    ◾ID-410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quoted
    ◾ID-414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism view
    ◾ID-416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panel

    ◾ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ◾ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ◾ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ◾ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ◾ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ◾ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ◾ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ◾ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ◾ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ◾ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ◾ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ◾ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ◾ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ◾ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ◾ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ◾ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ◾ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ◾ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ◾ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ◾ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ◾ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ◾ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ◾ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ◾ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ◾ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ◾ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ◾ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ◾ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ◾ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ◾ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ◾ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ◾ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ◾ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ◾ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ◾ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ◾ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ◾ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ◾ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ◾ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ◾ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ◾ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ◾ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ◾ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ◾ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ◾ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ◾ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ◾ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ◾ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ◾ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ◾ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ◾ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ◾ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ◾ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ◾ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ◾ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ◾ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ◾ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ◾ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ◾ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ◾ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ◾ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ◾ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ◾ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ◾ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ◾ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ◾ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ◾ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ◾ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ◾ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ◾ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ◾ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ◾ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ◾ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ◾ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ◾ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ◾ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ◾ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ◾ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ◾ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • Johannes_NielsenJohannes_Nielsen Member Posts: 206
    Often after serching for a function or field, the program "stutters" and the view jumps a few pixels up and down.

    • When the Search windows appears, set Focus to the search field - ready for input.
    • Ability to close windows with ESC key.
    • After search, Scroll the view, so that the Red marked item is placed at a fixed(top) point on the screen.
    • "ALT-" keyboard shorcuts to File, View, Search and History
    Best regards / Venlig hilsen
    Johannes Sebastian
  • Johannes_NielsenJohannes_Nielsen Member Posts: 206
    Hi guys

    I use Prism several times a week, its a great utility.
    Moving my souce files to a local drive, really sped up the import!

    Anyway, here's some feature requets :)
    • Search for a caption name of a table field
    • Search for where a field is used, including used on a page, used in tablerelation, usage in Flowfield calc.formula.
    Best regards / Venlig hilsen
    Johannes Sebastian
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.13 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ID-505 Bugfix Optimize away/fix slow pre-indexing

    ◾ID-272 Feature Visualization of table relations
    ◾ID-501 Feature Goto table and goto field from table relations
    ◾ID-502 Feature Explorer view (Using and Used By) now includes table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-503 Feature Find Usages of tables now include referencing table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-504 Feature Find usages of fields now includes fields of table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-499 Feature Optimized performance and memory consumption while loading/indexing
    ◾ID-494 Feature Include screenshot in feedback via clipboard
    ◾ID-496 Bugfix Name resolution of "RecB" in WITH RecA DO RecB.SomeField := 42 fails when "RecB" is also the name of a variable in RecA

    ◾ID-487 Feature Show test annotations in Prism view
    ◾ID-488 Bugfix Usages of field "X" are not found in "WITH recB DO recA.X := 42" when "recA" is also a field of "recB"
    ◾ID-452 Bugfix Key parsing fails when one of the fields include certain special characters
    ◾ID-475 Bugfix Find Code Lines function is not stable (timing issue)
    ◾ID-486 Bugfix Cancellation of load, find usages etc does not cancel background job
    ◾ID-476 Bugfix Parse error when expression property ends with space (txt file encloses expression in [])
    ◾ID-461 Bugfix Parse error when object has Test annotations
    ◾ID-464 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet local variable is declared with SuppressDispose
    ◾ID-465 Bugfix Parse error when RecordRef declaration uses SECURITYFILTERING
    ◾ID-471 Bugfix Parse error when object header contains extra square backets (caused by trailing space in object name)
    ◾ID-474 Bugfix Parse error when identifier contains (very) special characters
    ◾ID-439 Bugfix Parse error when Date property has format DD-MM-YYYY
    ◾ID-473 Bugfix Parse error: "BY" is (wrongly) regarded as keyword
    ◾ID-470 Bugfix In Control Panel, mirror name is not displayed (GUID is displayed instead)
    ◾ID-477 Bugfix Control panel pops up while progress window is active

    ◾ID-460 Feature Allow multiple open stores
    ◾ID-459 Feature Control panel
    ◾ID-456 Feature Work-around for INDATASET parse errors caused by NAV (wrongly) exporting INDATASET for Code-typed variables
    ◾ID-453 Bugfix Cannot show object or analyse usages of object when argument to TRANSFERFIELDS is non-identifier expression
    ◾ID-458 Bugfix Parse error due to values of some properties containing spaces
    ◾ID-321 Bugfix Start page unstable on terminal server (System.AccessViolationException)
    ◾ID-462 Bugfix Report display issue under certain circumstances: Key already exists
    ◾ID-463 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet type has WITHEVENTS and RUNONCLIENT
    ◾ID-466 Bugfix Parse error due to multi-line DataItemTableFilter

    ◾ID-408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewing
    ◾ID-405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objects
    ◾ID-378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle button
    ◾ID-406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling first
    ◾ID-409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables names
    ◾ID-345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"
    ◾ID-412 Feature List view group counters
    ◾ID-425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search results
    ◾ID-423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panel
    ◾ID-328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a store
    ◾ID-351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading store
    ◾ID-342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current store
    ◾ID-371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltips
    ◾ID-411 Feature Show field numbers in Explorer
    ◾ID-413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)
    ◾ID-419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facility
    ◾ID-420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object links
    ◾ID-404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily
    ◾ID-403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file
    ◾ID-415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object index
    ◾ID-398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square brackets
    ◾ID-410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quoted
    ◾ID-414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism view
    ◾ID-416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panel

    ◾ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ◾ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ◾ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ◾ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ◾ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ◾ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ◾ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ◾ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ◾ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ◾ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ◾ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ◾ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ◾ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ◾ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ◾ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ◾ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ◾ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ◾ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ◾ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ◾ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ◾ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ◾ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ◾ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ◾ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ◾ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ◾ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ◾ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ◾ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ◾ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ◾ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ◾ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ◾ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ◾ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ◾ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ◾ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ◾ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ◾ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ◾ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ◾ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ◾ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ◾ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ◾ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ◾ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ◾ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ◾ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ◾ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ◾ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ◾ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ◾ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ◾ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ◾ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ◾ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ◾ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ◾ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ◾ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ◾ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ◾ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ◾ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ◾ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ◾ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ◾ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ◾ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ◾ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ◾ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ◾ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ◾ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ◾ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ◾ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ◾ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ◾ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ◾ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ◾ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ◾ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ◾ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ◾ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ◾ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ◾ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ◾ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ◾ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.0.14 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ ID-515 Feature Parallel loading of object stores for improved performance
    ◾ID-516 Feature Settings menu (under File) to allow tuning of loader parallelism
    ◾ID-254 Feature Improved progress bar (non-looping when parallel loader is enabled)
    ◾ID-440 Feature Re-select by double-clicking

    ◾ID-505 Bugfix Optimize away/fix slow pre-indexing

    ◾ID-272 Feature Visualization of table relations
    ◾ID-501 Feature Goto table and goto field from table relations
    ◾ID-502 Feature Explorer view (Using and Used By) now includes table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-503 Feature Find Usages of tables now include referencing table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-504 Feature Find usages of fields now includes fields of table relations (only SE)
    ◾ID-499 Feature Optimized performance and memory consumption while loading/indexing
    ◾ID-494 Feature Include screenshot in feedback via clipboard
    ◾ID-496 Bugfix Name resolution of "RecB" in WITH RecA DO RecB.SomeField := 42 fails when "RecB" is also the name of a variable in RecA

    ◾ID-487 Feature Show test annotations in Prism view
    ◾ID-488 Bugfix Usages of field "X" are not found in "WITH recB DO recA.X := 42" when "recA" is also a field of "recB"
    ◾ID-452 Bugfix Key parsing fails when one of the fields include certain special characters
    ◾ID-475 Bugfix Find Code Lines function is not stable (timing issue)
    ◾ID-486 Bugfix Cancellation of load, find usages etc does not cancel background job
    ◾ID-476 Bugfix Parse error when expression property ends with space (txt file encloses expression in [])
    ◾ID-461 Bugfix Parse error when object has Test annotations
    ◾ID-464 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet local variable is declared with SuppressDispose
    ◾ID-465 Bugfix Parse error when RecordRef declaration uses SECURITYFILTERING
    ◾ID-471 Bugfix Parse error when object header contains extra square backets (caused by trailing space in object name)
    ◾ID-474 Bugfix Parse error when identifier contains (very) special characters
    ◾ID-439 Bugfix Parse error when Date property has format DD-MM-YYYY
    ◾ID-473 Bugfix Parse error: "BY" is (wrongly) regarded as keyword
    ◾ID-470 Bugfix In Control Panel, mirror name is not displayed (GUID is displayed instead)
    ◾ID-477 Bugfix Control panel pops up while progress window is active

    ◾ID-460 Feature Allow multiple open stores
    ◾ID-459 Feature Control panel
    ◾ID-456 Feature Work-around for INDATASET parse errors caused by NAV (wrongly) exporting INDATASET for Code-typed variables
    ◾ID-453 Bugfix Cannot show object or analyse usages of object when argument to TRANSFERFIELDS is non-identifier expression
    ◾ID-458 Bugfix Parse error due to values of some properties containing spaces
    ◾ID-321 Bugfix Start page unstable on terminal server (System.AccessViolationException)
    ◾ID-462 Bugfix Report display issue under certain circumstances: Key already exists
    ◾ID-463 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet type has WITHEVENTS and RUNONCLIENT
    ◾ID-466 Bugfix Parse error due to multi-line DataItemTableFilter

    ◾ID-408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewing
    ◾ID-405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objects
    ◾ID-378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle button
    ◾ID-406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling first
    ◾ID-409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables names
    ◾ID-345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"
    ◾ID-412 Feature List view group counters
    ◾ID-425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search results
    ◾ID-423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panel
    ◾ID-328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a store
    ◾ID-351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading store
    ◾ID-342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current store
    ◾ID-371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltips
    ◾ID-411 Feature Show field numbers in Explorer
    ◾ID-413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)
    ◾ID-419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facility
    ◾ID-420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object links
    ◾ID-404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily
    ◾ID-403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file
    ◾ID-415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object index
    ◾ID-398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square brackets
    ◾ID-410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quoted
    ◾ID-414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism view
    ◾ID-416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panel

    ◾ID-366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUI
    ◾ID-362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available
    ◾ID-361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronization
    ◾ID-364 Feature Mirror sync status in main window
    ◾ID-367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menus
    ◾ID-376 Feature Mirror DB password encryption
    ◾ID-353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matches (only SE)
    ◾ID-391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings
    ◾ID-356 Feature Export usages and search results
    ◾ID-365 Feature Version List in tooltips
    ◾ID-375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usability
    ◾ID-388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is over
    ◾ID-389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prism
    ◾ID-352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of table
    ◾ID-358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctly
    ◾ID-377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstant
    ◾ID-360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctly
    ◾ID-359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizing
    ◾ID-374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list views
    ◾ID-387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update history

    ◾ID-147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupported
    ◾ID-296 Feature Code search full store
    ◾ID-323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object types
    ◾ID-333 Feature Hover effect on lists, so it is easier to see which element is under the cursor
    ◾ID-343 Feature Mirror object stores
    ◾ID-348 Feature Improved history and backwards/forwards navigation
    ◾ID-349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvements
    ◾ID-250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in index
    ◾ID-275 Bugfix Dataports and XMLports produce an error in the log (they shouldn't)
    ◾ID-340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text source

    ◾ID-217 Feature: Text constant search
    ◾ID-306 Feature: Procedure and field name search
    ◾ID-225 Feature: Code search
    ◾ID-322 Feature: Command-line arguments to load store on startup
    ◾ID-314 Feature: Directory store without directory and object naming convention
    ◾ID-330 Bug fix: Find usages on VAR parameters does not work
    ◾ID-335 Bug fix: Sort order in object index not always correct
    ◾ID-324 Bug fix: Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name
    ◾ID-315 Bug fix: On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update

    ◾ID-260 Feature: System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index
    ◾ID-178 Feature: Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, only
    ◾ID-263 Feature: Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pages
    ◾ID-286 Feature: Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories)
    ◾ID-276 Feature: Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')
    ◾ID-238 Feature: Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)
    ◾ID-280 Feature: Ability to see source even if object has parse error
    ◾ID-242 Feature: Usage site to display if a record type is temporary
    ◾ID-277 Feature: Display enabled flag for fields and keys
    ◾ID-278 Feature: Refresh current object on reselection
    ◾ID-279 Feature: Better diagnostics progress dialog
    ◾ID-287 Feature: Copy text from source view
    ◾ID-288 Feature: Detailed tooltips for opening object stores
    ◾ID-292 Feature: In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email address
    ◾ID-281 Bug fix: Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ss
    ◾ID-283 Bug fix: System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable property
    ◾ID-177 Bug fix: Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolved
    ◾ID-291 Bug fix: Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object store
    ◾ID-301 Bug fix: Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per language
    ◾ID-293 Bug fix: Parser does not handle CASE statement with no cases
    ◾ID-294 Bug fix: Recent stores should only list one entry per store
    ◾ID-297 Bug fix: Query system functions not resolved
    ◾ID-298 Bug fix: Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colon
    ◾ID-302 Bug fix: Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square brackets
    ◾ID-303 Bug fix: Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"
    ◾ID-304 Bug fix: Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any properties
    ◾ID-307 Bug fix: Procedure named returns not shown on UI
    ◾ID-308 Bug fix: Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)
    ◾ID-310 Bug fix: Feedback not possible when multiple clients are open

    ◾ID-266 Feature: Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20)
    ◾ID-262 Feature: Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) ("Using" and "Used Buy" is only available in Standard Edition)
    ◾ID-257 Feature: Free-text search inside find usages results window
    ◾ID-256 Feature: Optimized find usage performance further
    ◾ID-240 Feature: Tooltips for explorer
    ◾ID-239 Bugfix: Reselection in object index not working
    ◾ID-261 Bugfix: Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)
    ◾ID-264 Bugfix: Procedures on table objects not resolved correctly from pages/forms
    ◾ID-265 Bugfix: Go to source position not working
    ◾ID-271 Bugfix: Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)
    ◾ID-274 Bugfix: Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings


    Notice that Prism requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (Full) to be installed. If you do not have .NET 4.5 installed already, an installation package can be downloaded from Microsoft at ... x?id=30653.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.1.0 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also freely download Prism Standard Edition Preview.

    Release notes:

    Features: ... tureMatrix

    ◾ID-518 Feature Support for NAV 2015 features
    ◾ID-546 Feature Control panel redesign
    ◾ID-560 Feature Open C/AL Designer for an object (for mirrors, only)
    ◾ID-524 Feature Ctrl-F to search in current object
    ◾ID-557 Feature Special shortcuts (Ctrl+1 up to Ctrl+9) to open recently opened stores
    ◾ID-558 Feature Copy object source code to clipboard from object index
    ◾ID-559 Feature Open object source code in text editor from object index
    ◾ID-523 Feature Integration of licensing
    ◾ID-530 Feature When loading an object store, write information to the log file
    ◾ID-541 Feature Do not ask user before closing a store
    ◾ID-547 Feature Full/more store information in window title
    ◾ID-548 Feature Load progress bar: space for 5 digit object count
    ◾ID-549 Feature Automatic upgrade from previous versions
    ◾ID-553 Feature Preferences for GUI behavior (escape to close windows, confirmation)
    ◾ID-555 Feature Preference for setting mirror synchronization interval
    ◾ID-556 Feature Shortcuts for several common commands
    ◾ID-489 Feature Keep feedback window open in case sending fails
    ◾ID-536 Bugfix Some table relation usages are not found
    ◾ID-509 Bugfix Mirror that has just been created cannot be opened via control panel link
    ◾ID-511 Bugfix Mirror sync should stop when adapter test fails
    ◾ID-514 Bugfix CardPageID properties not "linked" to page (go to declaration and find usages)
    ◾ID-538 Bugfix Feedback form fails when upload is too big
    ◾ID-545 Bugfix Recent items are not persisted when running Prism on a terminal server (unless you installed Prism yourself)

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.2.0 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also download Prism Standard Edition Trial.

    Release notes:


    ◾ID-273 Feature Find usages of e.g. table fields "bound" in pages and forms via SourceExpr property
    ◾ID-495 Feature Code Line Search to include documentation trigger and comments in code
    ◾ID-602 Feature Show type of object dependency in right-hand Explorer
    ◾ID-537 Feature Mirror synchronization: Improved handling of unlicensed objects
    ◾ID-604 Feature Mirrors: NAV 2015 adapter which built-in skipping of unlicensed objects during initialization
    ◾ID-578 Feature Mirror to detect finsql.exe weekness: "This database is registered with several NAV Server instances"
    ◾ID-481 Feature Mirror synchronization: Show status/errors of latest synchronization
    ◾ID-597 Feature Parsing: Ignore nonsense RUNONCLIENT keyword for Automation types
    ◾ID-601 Feature Ctrl-F must giv e focus to search field immediately
    ◾ID-596 Feature Compatibility with .NET 4.6 aka .NET 4.5.3 aka .NET 2015
    ◾ID-613 Feature Tooltips should stay open longer (up to 30 seconds when there is a lot to read)
    ◾ID-522 Feature Signing of MSI installer
    ◾ID-610 Feature Mirror Manager: Improved input validation
    ◾ID-611 Feature Mirror Manager: Added synchronization status/error
    ◾ID-612 Feature Open Mirror Dialog: Show status of last synchronization and allows opening with double-click
    ◾ID-563 Bugfix Wrong order of name resolution global variable versus Page SourceTable
    ◾ID-620 Bugfix Parse error on some (special) table relation FILTERs
    ◾ID-621 Bugfix Parse error on empty set of menuitems
    ◾ID-640 Bugfix Actions in page controls are not displayed in Prism View

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.3.0 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also download Prism Standard Edition Trial.

    Release notes:


    ◾ID-442 Feature Find usages of fields and objects in Flow Fields (only SE)
    ◾ID-381 Feature Find object usages in code, e.g. DATABASE::Customer and REPORT.RUN(50000) (only SE)
    ◾ID-299 Feature Show full Menusuite objects
    ◾ID-569 Feature Find usages in Menu Suites (only SE)
    ◾ID-508 Feature Find usages of primary key field must include table relations specified with no field (only SE)
    ◾ID-680 Feature Automatically include definitions of virtual tables
    ◾ID-639 Feature Parsing: Ignore phantom INDATASET (IncludeInDataSet = Yes) markers in txt file
    ◾ID-661 Feature Dependency details in explorer tooltips
    ◾ID-607 Feature Store "Save As" functionality must give error when selected folder is not empty
    ◾ID-623 Feature For use by Statical: Automatic regression test of name resolution
    ◾ID-669 Bugfix Find usages does not find variables of type BigText (only SE)
    ◾ID-673 Bugfix Find usages does not find BLOB fields in statements field.CREATEOUTSTREAM and similar (only SE)
    ◾ID-667 Bugfix Parse error when TableRelation has complex filter such as FILTER(Item|'Charge (Item)')
    ◾ID-638 Bugfix Parse error when variables are of type TestPage
    ◾ID-666 Bugfix Parse error when test objects use ASSERTERROR statements
    ◾ID-668 Bugfix Parse error when variable is of type ExecutionMode
    ◾ID-497 Bugfix Parse error when a variable or procedure is named "Permissions"
    ◾ID-648 Bugfix Mirror adapter failed to recognize unlicensed object when finsql.exe language is not ENU
    ◾ID-663 Bugfix System tables names (e.g. Object) not shown in Explorer "Using" section
    ◾ID-657 Bugfix Some "name space functions" such as REPORT.WORDLAYOUT are not linked to MSDN documentation
    ◾ID-670 Bugfix RUNMODAL not recognized as system function in "DATAPORT.RUNMODAL"
    ◾ID-671 Bugfix EXISTS and ERASE not resolved as system functions
    ◾ID-672 Bugfix CREATETOTALS not resolved as report system function
    ◾ID-674 Bugfix BLOB system functions not linked to MSDN documentation in expressions like SomeTable.SomeBlobField.HASVALUE
    ◾ID-675 Bugfix Control name and function not linked in expressions CurrPage.TheName.VISIBLE when TheName is inherited from SourceExpr property
    ◾ID-676 Bugfix Some Page system functions not linked to MSDN documentation

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Statical Prism 1.4.0 Community Edition (CE)
    Prism is an intuitive and interactive C/AL code viewer with both "go-to declaration" and "find usages" functionality.

    The user can open an object text file (exported from Dynamics NAV) and begin browsing the code in a very readable format with search features. Prism processes a full NAV object text export (5000+) objects in about 20 seconds. That is 60 times faster than Developer's Toolkit.

    The Community Edition for download here is a feature-limited edition. You can read more about Prism on our web-site From there, you can also download Prism Standard Edition Trial.

    Release notes:

    • ID-700 Feature NAV 2016: Find Usages of objects must include event subscriptions
    • ID-701 Feature NAV 2016: Find Usages of functions must include event subscriptions
    • ID-702 Feature NAV 2016: Search Procedures by Name must have filters for event publishers and subscribers
    • ID-703 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new virtual tables (Codeunit/Page/Report/Table Metadata and Event Subscriptions)
    • ID-706 Feature NAV 2016: Event subscriptions must link to object/function
    • ID-691 Feature NAV 2016: Support for parsing new annotations for static publishers and subscribers
    • ID-692 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new FilterPageBuilder type
    • ID-693 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new properties
    • ID-694 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TextEncoding type
    • ID-695 Feature NAV 2016: Support for FOREACH and BREAK statements
    • ID-696 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TableConnectionType type
    • ID-697 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new ReportFormat type
    • ID-698 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TestRequestPage type
    • ID-699 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new system functions (links to MSDN documentation)
    • ID-704 Bugfix Prism fails to display object due to UnresolvableReference
    • ID-705 Bugfix Field usages in e.g. TESTFIELD("The Field") not found when field is in table referenced by Codeunit's TableNo property

    Discuss this download here.
  • Stella567Stella567 Member Posts: 6
    looks really good!
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