I would like to print a notepad file from NAV. I can print the file, but I do not want it displayed on the screen that notepad open and print the file.
My command:
param := 'C:\Program Files\NNIT\DKEXE 6.0 A Development\DKEXE.BON';
SHELL("C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe",STRSUBSTNO('/p "%1"',param));
Can anyone help med?
Thank you in advance.
What version are you using?
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
My experiences on Linkedin
Hi ebsoft,
I'm using Nav2009SP1. I get an error when I run it, that some characters are invalid, I think that is characters from path to the file.
Hi mohana_cse06,
I have tested with command prompt and it "works". The problem is, that it is after posting a sales order and after calling command prompt, I got an error, that the sales order cannot be found - probably because it has been posted.
Where did you write the code?
I made a box solution where I need to print a file immediately after posting a in Navision. It must occur after posting, but if I do, then there are problems because another program is called to print the file.