"Dimension- Total" Report too Slow to preview (>1 hour)

rabinsssrabinsss Member Posts: 4
I am having problem with,
"Dimensions - Total " Report in <General Ledger/ Reports / Entries/> which uses Analysis View table...
There is a case in which i m applying following Filters
1. Level 1 : Activity
2. Level 2 : G/L Account
3. Filter : Project...

and when i run the report it takes more than One and Half our to Preview... Besides this this report behaves normal...
Note: I have checked all the Key Settings and Variables that relates this Report...and i have another Database of another Company that is running very well....
Any Idea Is Appreciable , because i am running out of clues....


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Some things to try:
    -Update statistics (100% sampling) of the table
    -Rebuild index with 90% (or more) fillfactor of the table (this automatically recalculates the statistics with 100% sampling).
    -try with client monitor to see what is happening (it is possible it crashes because of too many records in the temptable).
    -use sql profiler to see what's happening.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • rabinsssrabinsss Member Posts: 4
    Hello Kriki,
    for posting your "IDEAS", regarding my query. But Presenting frankly i could not get your IDEAS. Can you reply me in simple Sentences.
    Actually, there is not a huge stack of data in my Database and i do not think there is anything to do with my huge amount of data. and as i running the Classic Version, I have also Restored the database in my local PC which is also showing the same issue so it is clear that it is nothing to do with the the SQL.
    Besides this if i put three levels in the report it is working well, the only problem i get is in the project filter.
    Please Reply :)
  • rabinsssrabinsss Member Posts: 4
    kriki wrote:
    Some things to try:
    -Update statistics (100% sampling) of the table
    -Rebuild index with 90% (or more) fillfactor of the table (this automatically recalculates the statistics with 100% sampling).
    -try with client monitor to see what is happening (it is possible it crashes because of too many records in the temptable).
    -use sql profiler to see what's happening.
    Thanks but Still ](*,)
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    So we can exclude the most common problems (and that are fixed easily).

    I am afraid there is no silver bullet in this case. Meaning: finding and fixing the problem will probably not be so easy.

    First you have to try to make your filters/levels easier. Like only 1 level, no budget, no date filter. And see how fast it goes. Then add an extra info and try again.
    Try isolate the point what makes the report slow. When you have that, you can try with the client monitor to get the date and see on which table and which command NAV uses a lot of time.
    You can check the filters it uses at that moment you can create a key and use it to speed it all up.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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