Company is changing their name - What do I need to do?

mbell2001mbell2001 Member Posts: 2
edited 2001-09-28 in Navision Financials
I do pc support for a company that wants to change their name. They are concerned what impact this will have on Navision. They have asked me to handle any licensing issues with Navision and also to figure out how to replace the logo that prints on invoices with a new one. I am NOT very experienced with Navision so I was hoping I could ask the group for some suggestions or even for some "gotchas" to watch out for when dealing this this.

What steps (if any) are needed for license when a name change happens? Are there any specific tables that I'll need to look at to change name of company? Can I change the name of the database file without affecting Navision. I saw a post about importing a new bitmap for a logo but I did not understand about comments made about ensuring it would print correctly. Apologize for rambling and also if my questions are elementary. Appreciate any and all feedback.



  • SamsoniteSamsonite Member Posts: 10
    Rename the Company and update the Company Imformation ?
    In the Company Information you can also import the new Logo for the company...that should be all.

    IF there is no hardcoded things in the database

    Why dont you take a backup, restor to your local machine and test it first.
    Johan Emilsson
  • John_TegelaarJohn_Tegelaar Member Posts: 159
    License: Ask the company to write a letter confirming the change of name, send that letter to Navision, asking to change the registered name in the license to the new name. If the company is having a maintenance contract with Navision, this will be free of charge.

    Database name: Don't rename the current database. For auditing purposes you may need to present the data from the "old" company. Just make a full backup (Tools, Backup), create a new database (File, Database, New) for the new companyname and do a restore of the backup.

    Company Name: Two places to modify. 1) Under File, Company, Rename you change the name for the "system wide" presentation (the name you see when you select a company to work in), and 2) in General Ledger, Setup, Company Information you change the company details which are showing on reports etc.

    New logo: Scan the logo in the resolution you'll use for printing (i.e. 300 DPI) and save it as a bitmap file. When you use PaintShop Pro 7 (see for a free evaluation copy)for this, you can set the resolution of the picture to the printing resolution (Image, Resize) and save it in RLE compressed format. Then you only need to import the picture into Navision (General Ledger, setup, Company Information, Picture, Import).

  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Hi Mark,

    although what you are attempting to do is pretty straight forward, and the advise from John is exactly what you need to do the job, please beware.

    Navision Solutions Centers go through a lot of training to be able to support Navision users. Before you actually do this rename, please contact the customers NSC and work in co-ordination with them.

    [This message has been edited by David Singleton (edited 28-09-2001).]
    David Singleton
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