Huge performance hit and seeing Classic & Classic Client.

MTWileyGourmetMTWileyGourmet Member Posts: 4
We're running MS Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 on a SQL Server and we saw a huge performance hit on Monday morning and since then we started investigating what exactly was going on.

We noticed that in database sessions(File --> Database --> Information --> Drill down)

We're seeing all of our licenses being used and logins from both Nav Classic and Nav Classic Client from multiple machines. The majority of users are reported as using Classic Client, but some are reporting as Classic, and some are flip flopping back and forth between classic and classic client over time. We also noticed that our term servers are doing the same thing and sometime are reporting a mix between Classic and Classic Client. Have you seen this behavior before? Any suggestions on what else to look at/for? Any tips, tricks, etc would be greatly appreciated.

Is there a difference between Nav Classic and Nav Classic Client? Is this seemingly random mix of them normal and maybe just something we hadn't noticed before?

Not sure if it would make a difference since we're seeing both classic and classic client coming from the same hostnames, but for the sake of full disclosure the first few installs were done manually, but the rest have been done by using PDQ Deploy to push the install and the
/quiet /config NavConfigForNewDesktop.xml

Below is the NavConfigForNewDesktop.xml:

<TargetPath>[WIX_ProgramFilesFolder]\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60</>TargetPath>

<Component Id="Documentation" State="Local"/>>

<Component Id="OutlookAddIn" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="CFrontSDK" State="Local"/>>

<Component Id="SDK_CommunicationComponents" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="SDK_CC_Runtime" State="Absent"/>><Component Id="SDK_CC_Source" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="SDK_CFRONT" State="Local"/>>

<Component Id="SDK_CFRONT_Net" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="ClassicODBC" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="ClassicDatabaseServer" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="ClassicApplicationServer" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="NAS_OutlookIntegration" State="Absent"/>>

<Component Id="NAS_EmployeePortal" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CommerceGatewayServer" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CommerceGatewayBroker" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="AutomatedDataCaptureSystem" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="ClassicClient" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_EmployeePortal" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_BusinessNotificationManager" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_CommerceIntegration" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_OutlookIntegration" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_BackupOfDemoDatabase" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_DemoDatabase" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="CSIDE_HelpFiles" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="SQLServerDatabase" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="SQLDemoDatabase" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="ServiceTier" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="STOutlookIntegration" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="RoleTailoredClient" State="Absent"/>

<Component Id="VCPP2008PreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="MSXML6PreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="VisualJPreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="SQLServerPreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="ReportViewerPreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="MsChartPreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Component Id="DotNet35PreRequisite" State="Local"/>

<Parameter Id="ServerIp" Value=""/>

<Parameter Id="TCPPort" Value="11322"/>

<Parameter Id="ClassicDbServiceName" Value="[WIX_ComputerName]"/>

<Parameter Id="ClassicDbNetworkType" Value="tcps"/>

<Parameter Id="ClassicDbCacheSize" Value="10000"/>

<Parameter Id="ClassicDbempCache" Value="1"/>

<Parameter Id="NasServiceName" Value="[WIX_ComputerName]-CLASSIC"/>

<Parameter Id="NasServiceNameSql" Value="[WIX_ComputerName]-SQL"/>

<Parameter Id="NavServiceServerName" Value="localhost"/>

<Parameter Id="NavServiceServerPort" Value="7046"/>

<Parameter Id="WebServiceServerPort" Value="7047"/>

<Parameter Id="SQLServer" Value="[WIX_ComputerName]"/>

<Parameter Id="SQLInstanceName" Value=""/>

<Parameter Id="SQLDatabaseName" Value="Demo Database NAV (6-0)"/>

<Parameter Id="SQLReplaceDb" Value="FAILINSTALLATION"/>



  • strykstryk Member Posts: 645
    Well, first of all, when you say "we saw a huge performance hit" - what exactly happened?

    With NAV 2009 there are two kinds of NAV clients:
    1. The "Classic Client" (CC) which connects directly to SQL Server and usues its proprietary GUI; business logic is executed on CC (2-tier architecture)
    2. The "Role Tailored Client" (RTC) which just renders the new GUI; it connects to the "NAV Service Tier" (NST) which is connected to SQL Server; the busess logic is executed on NST (3-tier architecture)

    CC and NST commuicate with the SQL Server pretty much the same way, hence they might be both affected by problems the same way ...
    Jörg A. Stryk (MVP - Dynamics NAV)
    NAV/SQL Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting
    STRYK System Improvement
    The Blog - The Book - The Tool
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