NAS stops without event log

ReedbergReedberg Member Posts: 68

From time to time (once or twice a week) NAS stops without any event log.

Yesterday deadlock error occurs, NAS recovered automatically (successfully) and this is the last message in event log. Today I checked NAS and it wasn’t working. How to determine when and why NAS stopped?



  • ta5ta5 Member Posts: 1,164
    This is a bit tricky, because if you would check the service only,it may not work anyway. I've seen solutions with a kind of NAS heartbeat, the NAS logs a record in a db every 1 minute or so. You can use these records with a 3rd party tool to track the NAS. For example, you just run a sql statement against the log table and send an email to the operator NAS stopped, or you could use a more advanced monitoring tool.
    Another, more pragmatic approach is to restart NAS every 4 hours or so, but of course this depends on the business case.

    Hope this helps.

  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    What exactly do you mean by NAS stopped? The NAS service is not running anymore or it is still running but does not perform it's task anymore? In the second case, can you stop the service cleanly when this happened?

    If possible, try to instrument the code run by NAS with logging instructions in order to find out what it did last before quitting.
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