open a new form and close the current

sarto76sarto76 Member Posts: 21
I created 2 forms (list and card) .
With a menu buttom I can move from a form to the other.
How can I close the current form when opening the new one?
Thank you Max


  • sarto76sarto76 Member Posts: 21
    Hallo...nobady has an idea please?
    Thank you
  • klavinklavin Member Posts: 117
    There are standard functions in code to open and close forms, what have you tried so far?
    "Profanity is the one language all programmers know best."
  • sarto76sarto76 Member Posts: 21
    I tryed also to create a button with this c/ca code:

    <Control1150004> - OnPush()

    the form closed, but the other form (50002) doesn't open.
    I tryied also with RUNMODAL but it tells me that I cannot close the current form because it is blocked by the other.
    Than you Max
  • manisharma31manisharma31 Member Posts: 285
    Instead of writing code use the property & on the push button write code currform.close.

    I tried this on item card->Item Menu Button->List (OnPush).
    List form opens & Item Card gets closed.

    Try it.
  • sarto76sarto76 Member Posts: 21
    I cannot find this & property, I searched in the standard forms but nothing.
    Is it in the c/al code of the button?
    the c/al code of the entire form?
    somewhere else?
    Thank you
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    Try this code under OnPush trigger of the Item Menu Button "List"


    Remove the data (LookupTable) under the Action Property of the Item Menu Button "List"
    Now or Never
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