Hi all

Using 2009 R2.
I'm upgrading an existing solution to RTC client.
This includes a classic report, which does both processing behind-the-scenes in some cases with the sections disabled (and not printing which is the desired behaviour)-
but at the same time is used With section in other use-cases where the report should print.
I'm converting this to a hybrid classic/2009 RDLC report.
The classic report-sections have logic using "CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT" to hide all layout, when this is wanted.
Printing in this scenario will NOT send the document to the printer.
This is how the classic client behaves.
So, here is my dilemma - it seems to me the
RDLC version sends the document to the printer - EVEN if all controls have "Hidden: True" property assigned (resulting in a blank page).
I'm reluctant to (re)move the processing code from this report since it's part of an add-on I don't control - so future updates will have to be managed.
The report
cannot be set to "Processing only" since it's used with layout in some use cases.
Is there any way of having a 2009 RDLC report, do whatever processing in data items, but dynamically control whether the RDLC document is actually sent to the printer?