Master of Navisions,
Anyone knows how column named "bucket" in table <objectTable>$<SIFT>
works in Navision with SQL Option?It can create its level of 1, 2, 3, etc.
is there any relationships betweeen it and SIFTLevelsToMaintain property in the key who has SumIndexFields?
I'm so curious on it.
Thanks in advance,
one, two
one, two, three
one, two, three, four
one, two, three, four, five
In the SQL Server option, this means that it creates and maintains a bucket for all SIFT levels (it's a little more complex than that, but that's basically what it comes down to). You should disable all the levels that you are never going to use, so in this case, if you only have the last one enabled, you save SQL Server 4 SIFT level writes each time a record is inserted into the table.
Especially for tables like ledger entry tables that have tons of sumindex fields, this can have huge performance impact.