List slow when not using primary key

marvinqmarvinq Member Posts: 69

I am running classic NAV 2009 SP1 on SQLServer.

When opening a large list of sales orders in "Sales Order List" (Form 45) it runs perfectly; when view is set as primary key. However when changing the key to a not-primary key ("Sell-to Post Code") the list loads really slow and when scrolling the list often freezes for 10-20 seconds, as if it only reads a "bucket" of lines at a time.

Why is that? The key is created in NAV. Shouldn't there be a corresponding index in SQL then? - so sorting runs fast and smooth?

In NAV the key is "true" in "MaintainSQLIndex" and "MaintainSIFTIndex".

Have I missed something? How can I speed up this view/index?



  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    When we have large "lists" like this I try to remove/hide all the fields we don't really need to see.
    Especially flowfields that do any calculations. Example. on the customer list, fields like (Sales ($) & balance ($))

    It really shows an improvement in speed.
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    You should also look at SQL Server and make sure all the keys defined in NAV are defined the same way in SQL Server.
    I fixed a terrible performance problem in a list form that was caused by this.
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