Run Form from a report

karuchuakaruchua Member Posts: 151
Hi all,

am trying to run a form from a report.

the form opens but not with my filters.

how do i pass the filters to the form?


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Can you show us the code please.

    Take a record variable of table (sourcetable of form)
    apply filter and pass the record while calling RUN/RUNMODAL command
  • karuchuakaruchua Member Posts: 151
    FORM.RUN(FORM::"Inventory With Zero Movement",LItemREC);

    FnCheckItemLE; // this function modifies a field on my item table

    the whole of this code is on OnPreDataItem trigger of the item dataitem.
  • udayrmerudayrmer Member Posts: 171
    Instead using COPYFILTERS function do manual filtering
    Uday Mer | MS Dynamics NAV Techno-Functional Consultant
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