
surisuri Member Posts: 123
hi good morning one and all
i have a question as shown below

Serial No’s of items to be displayed in the invoice

we have tables of
items,purchase header,purchase line
in items we have no field ,this no field must me displayed in the invoice(form)
invoice is a form which consists of card and list(purchase header and purchase line)

what i have tried is that:=
in purchase line i have taken on new field(serial no)
i have taken one new report,with processing only=yes
with data item of purchase line
with global variable of item of record type
and i have try this code in predataitem()

"Purchase Line".INIT;
"Purchase Line".serialniofitems:=item."No.";
"Purchase Line".INSERT;
UNTIL item.NEXT=0;

while running this report
the values from item no was inserting into the purchase line table(in the field of serial no)
but it was not effecting in the form of invoice

can you suggest me what i have to do to complete the task
thank you


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Take a sheet of paper. Pretend that sheet of paper is your memory (database, variables ...). Pretend you are the CPU. Run your program using that CPU and that memory. If in doubt, read the manual on all functions and language primitives.
    Then, use the debugger and compare what the electronic processor does and compare this to what you got before. If there are any differences, find out in what way you as CPU processed the data differently than the electronic CPU does.
    That's the way one learns computer programming .
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    It's not entirely clear what you are trying to do.

    First, Why insert the item no into this new serialniofitems field when the item number is already on the purchase line.

    Second, if this is some processing report based on the purchase line then use on aftergetrecord.
    If item.Get("No.") then
    serialniofitems := item."No." else
    serialniofitems := '';

    Third, with this processing report are you trying to fill all the po lines of all po's in one shot - or do you just want to fill the PO you are working on at the time. Beacuse I see no Setfilter or setrange in your code.

    Fourth, are you saying the field is not showing once you invoice the po? If so, you also have to create the new field in the Purchase invoice line table. Using the same name, id #, type & size in order for it to transfer once invoiced.
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