Hello all,
I just began using the Personnal version of Qlikview.
I was able to connect my Qlikview with my Microsoft Navision Dynamics (which is in C/SIDE, native database) with the ODBC connector.
I also was able to import part of my data without problem (data type = Code)
My problem : for some fields who are in navision in these two formats, "Option" and "Text" it did not work:

When I tried to view data in Qlikview

When I import, I have no error message.

I have no data in Qlikview, whereas in the navision table I have data. I don't understand why?
I think I forgot to do something, I'm a beginner in Qlikview with ODBC connection.
I tested my odbc connector in Excel and It's working, I was able to have all data in all type of data (Text or Option).
Thanks in advance for your answer (and sorry if it's very simple, i searched on the web without success)
Thanks for your answer. My server, and client are in 32bits, I used the 32 bits odbc driver.
I search in the QLIKVIEW HELP, and try to connect with connect32 option, for the same result.
Thanks for your help,
So strange, but in Excel when I use this ODBC driver i have no problem all is working (I can export data with type "TEXT", but in QLIKVIEW, it's not working (I can export all data except fiel whith data "TEXT"
Maybe a restart helps to apply your settings?
I try to reboot without more sucess, always the same problem.
I'm sure I used the good ODBC driver (NODBC V4.0 SP3). This driver work perfectly in Excel. I have only problem in Qlikview
Are you sure your NODBC driver has the same Build No. than your client? I use 23305.