Hi Everyone,
There is a field in Purchase Quote called "Expected Receipt Date" One of our users just noticed that when they Copy another Purchase Quote, it does not bring over the Expected Receipt Date.
Does any one know how I can begin to debug and possibly fix? On the purchase line it's field 10 . I just can't figure out why it brings every other field over except that one...
Click Include Header in copy document screen
This field is NOT a standard field option to be visible when I try it in Classic Client. Could that be the reason why? Would it need to be coded in? Also mohana_cse06 did you have any modification done to copy the Expected receipt date?
Can you explain a bit more with which options are you trying and what value do you have in already existing PurchLine."Expected Receipt Date" and what value is created in newPurchLine."Expected Receipt Date"?
I open a new purchase quote and copy document and only want the lines since I'm changing the vendor info I'm sending it to.
Once the copy is complete the only field not filled in is the expected receipt date field..
Perfect! It worked! Thank you so much! \:D/