q ) report which will create 1 purchase order for a vendor with multiple items
hi one and all
i have the question as shown above
i have two data items
purchase header
purchase line
processing only=yes
i have written the code in purchase header onafter the get record()
IF "Purchase Header".FINDLAST THEN
"Purchase Header".INIT;
"Purchase Header"."No." :=nserie.GetNextNo(paysetup."Vendor Nos.",0D,TRUE);
"Purchase Header"."Document Type" :="Purchase Header"."Document Type"::Invoice;
"Purchase Header"."No." :=nserie.GetNextNo(paysetup."Order Nos.",0D,TRUE);
"Purchase Header"."Document Type" :="Purchase Header"."Document Type"::Order;
"Purchase Header"."Document Type" :="Purchase Header"."Document Type"::Quote;
"Purchase Header"."Buy-from Vendor No.":='189';
"Purchase Header".INSERT;
here it was throwing error,can any one suggest me the correct method.can any one can give better solution.
error: you cannot assign number greater then 106999 from the number series p-ord
thank you
can any can give some suggestion,how can i solve this question
thank you
this is my actual requirement
1 . report which will create 1 purchase order for a vendor with multiple items
No need to take any dataitems in report
You can write code ijn OnPrereport.
Create only 1 Purchase header.
Create Purchase Line with 1 Item first. If it is working then You can think of creating multiple lines..