We are upgrading NAV from version 3.70 to 2013 and I am getting issues in merging Excel Buffer table. As i can understand Excel Buffer is no longer using Automation and now using Open XML dll's. Customer has added some code for cell formatting like Size, Wrap Text, Autofit, Row Height and Column Width etc. I could not find these properties in existing Open XML dll. My question is if we need to create separate dlls to implement these properties or are they readily available somewhere?
Thanks in advance!!
You can yourself extend the generated XML document but Microsoft does not support any use of such extended functionality.
If you choose such an approach anyway then note there are a number of fallbacks. The sequence of any XML children is important for the Excel application where as the Openxml Sdk Tool couldn't care less. The first two Fills are empty and gray. The best approach is actually to make a document with the requested behavior then open it in the OpenXml Tool and study.
If you are really keen you can study the OpenXml standard (ECMA-376) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... =office.14).aspx .
Alternatively you can use VSTO - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/hh133430.aspx. - after the document has been generated.
Software Design Engineer II
Dynamics NAV Office 365
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