Hello all,
I work for large NAV end user with 25 Manufacturing plants. We currently have each of the manufacturing facilities as individual NAV Companies. We are running into several reporting challenges using NAV setup this way. We are using NAV 2009 SR2 Classic Client.
We are debating changing our setup to Have 1 BIG COMPANY with each of our facilities as a responsibility center. Have you gone through a similar project like this and can you provide any lessons learned during your project.
What areas in NAV does Responsibility Centers work in, and what areas do they not work?
We have some concerns around security for the users, and segregating their G/L Entries and Chart of accounts. Is that even feasible with base nav setup?
Any advice that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
With some work and heavy use of temp tables you can handle multi company reporting in NAV.
Using an external solution as suggested in the previous response will likely be the easiest solution.