Hello !
I'm encountering a small problem when I print a report (a sales invoice for example) containing what Visual Studio calls parameters (either Labels or captions coming from the Include Caption option).
Although the CaptionML property has values for FRA and ENU those fields are always printed in French if Nav RTC client language is French, regardless of the language code in Sales Header.
Is there a way to make ML work for parameters as it works for caption fields included in the dataset ?
1. Do you have the methodcall
CurrReport.LANGUAGE := Language.GetLanguageID("Language Code");
2. In Visual Studio on the report properties is your language set to this
Not sure why, but sometimes mine have changed to a specific language.
3. Also remember that when you use include captions, it takes them from your table since you have no option to give captions in the report on a field (eg. dont mistake OptionCaptionML with CaptionML in the properties)
It is a bit anoying, since if you want to translate a document to german and you dont have that as a client language, then you cant just add the german labels but you have to create text constants with "all" the languages.
This also seems to be what MS have done in all their "converted" reports dont think I seen them use include captions anywhere yet.
Im running 33781 atm.