FA Posting Group Cannot Select

yukonyukon Member Posts: 361
edited 2013-02-11 in NAV Three Tier
Hi Team,

We cannot select "FA Posting Group - Code" at "Fixed Asset Card". We can see "FA Posting Group". When we select the "Code" from list it is not respond. That error on "B32843" and "B32924". I tested on "B32012" it work ](*,).

Why latest Build version cannot work? I can't solution on hotfix list also. Please suggest to me.

Noted: NAV 2009 R2. Testing on same database.

Best Regards,
Make Simple & Easy


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    The primary key of FA Depreciation Book table is FA No.,Depreciation Book Code so you cant select same Depreciation Book Code twise for same Fixed Asset
  • yukonyukon Member Posts: 361
    Hi mohana_cse06,

    Thanks for your reply. Sorry My image is a bit confuse for you. My error is cannot select Code. Error should be come out after select "Code".

    Make Simple & Easy
  • MagfoMagfo Member Posts: 11
    That you get that error is (as above) because you can't use the same key twice.

    If I understand you correctly your problem isn't really that problem though, but instead that you cannot choose the code that you want to use. Is that correct?

    Ie: You have a list of codes, and in that list you have (at least) COMPANY-B32843-B32924-B32012? And when you choose B32843" and "B32924" it doesn't work? In that case, what happens? Can you show the list you're trying to choose from?

    Because in that window you can have the following lines:
    Depreciation Book Code - FA Posting Group - ...
    COMPANY - CAR - ...
    B32012 - CAR - ...

    But you can NOT have this:
    Depreciation Book Code - FA Posting Group - ...
    COMPANY - CAR - ...

    If your problem is that you can't choose from the list of available Depreciation Book Codes, then you need to specify it a bit better where the error occurs. (Show the list of choices and where it goes wrong.)
  • yukonyukon Member Posts: 361
    Hi Magfo,

    Thanks for your reply. Let say, I created New Fixed Asset Card and create new FA Posting Group (10 Groups). And I open Fixed Asset Card and i select the "FA Posting Group" from "Drop Down List". But i cannot select FA Posting Group from List. I clicked so many time no error (Stay show List and no close) (I used B32843). After that i change RTC B32012. At that i can select anyone from list. ](*,) So we changed page type "WorkSheet - original" to "List". May be that's :bug: .

    Make Simple & Easy
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